Show i li Mrs Irs Fiske had a wonderful sermon lenHOn In Inthe Inthe the northwest In both Seattle Beattle and she aho ho all the records of time the box rime Tho Grand will not be bo opened again lI until week when whon It l Is 18 un understood that Carters Hour will play a II return ret engagement Helen Dauvray Is Isn a bankrupt She Site owes something like anti and vcrs avers a that but 75 15 In Wish Insh remains at her die ilia She Bhe wall waa am once onci at lit the tIme top tol of tho ladder Miss MIKe Chrystal Herne Ierne daughter of A Heino wll wil next season Im 1111 Impersonate personate Glory Quale In The Tho Chris Christian tian tiun company In which Mr Edward Edwatd J 1 JMorgan Morgan Is to be b featured Lost has bOil closed Its season and Ada Dyer Dwyer Russell Hussell expects to re cc return return turn home ham at once unless she site should decide to take a n summer Hummer engagement gement Joan of the time Sword Hand which lamB has Tho The Conference week at the th theatre will rill be tilled filled as an follows From Monday to Thursday April Blanche Walsh nisim In More than Queen April The Thc Evil Rye Eye April ANI Fatin I Itza Harry Corson Coron Clarke has hns a II ayoung ayoung young oung society woman of Chicago as his leading lady lad hot Her name Is U Jane June Avis Ais A Is Evans and she ho he opens her engagement with ith Mr 11 Clarke April 1st Next fall shu But Joins tho the hackett Company Howard Kyle ICyle In his play pIa of Nathan Hale Is being admirably handled bandIed by b Manager Wilkinson fhe The press preus matter which Is sent Ment out weekly troll from time the Kyle Kyla bureau that the department of or publicity Is In capable hands Marie Tempests production of ot Peg leg Wellington In London has hall been heen one of the tho most must dismal failures on record r cord says saysa n a correspondent of a n New York paper This Title Is the play by the way va In which Maude Adams will star next neit year ear Next season Blanche Walsh will be hc seen In a n magnificent production of Joan of ot the tho Sword Hand which has Irn been dramatized for her hor from froll S 5 9 S Crocketts novel of that name will be spent on oti now nose scenery and cos costumes The Time benefit for Mme Janauschek promises s to be ha a great success The Time committee commit te appointed by the Twelfth Night Club which has It In charge Is composed of Amelia Blanche Bates and Viola Allen The Tho date data will be some time during easter caster week anti and the time place Illace wll 1111 probably be the time Metropolitan tan Opera House Time The Broadway was wasat wasat at itt tint selected but responses have been so RO numerous that the tho larger house will be needed Miss lIss Allen Alien will give the time fourth oct net of The Christian with E J 3 Morgan Norgan as John Storm The man moan managers tigers agers have hae promised to help In every way possible A New Nev York letter says When Jacob LIU announced his hll Intention to cut the prices of his theater In half holf the war ar on the th seat In tho time metropolis began The rime battle for low prices has opened In earnest In the time few tel skIrmish es Cs already held the time low loll prices have hwe won signal victories Savage with his Cas tie tic Square Company was the time first real victor and then th n mm Henry fenry Donnelly Donnell took toole tho the Murray Hill theatre th atte which had broken thre men put hut In n a stock com coin company compan pany pan and gave good shows at CO to 0 anti ond 25 cents Time The Sties Sites felt telf in line with tho tIme New C York which had been bern drearily empty ut at 12 since they have put the price at nt CO GO C standing room has been heen nt tot a premium Now Oscar O cur Ham will do likewise the time Vic le Ic turIn toria next week w ek will be h a n cheap house hou e My Lady Lad will a month more and COO 00 seats will vIII be added In solid antici anticipation PatIos pation of time tile rush |