Show t tm 5 EXPERIMENTS TO BE AT THE MADE of o the ay fY of o th of Bo cl Oe of A Will Deeply A The Tho Interested In tue tho exhibit agriculturist lot ot of of oC th the tI of at the meat ot Agriculture iiI the cnn can J lan ns as It the thu lirt relates to CI of oC Ills hl exhibit will bo be J rest restricted to ho tho numerous lines line 0 ot of only tit I b by the tue Division Work co COt of ot pure puro seed Investigations It resent the work ork ot of the tho ce Seed iI III nt at till lie Department of ot Arll where samples u of ot alt all by the tho lao Government are tested for now no dam doin from seeds of ot Thousand of samples amp M from rem and ana In all oil lt try are also Parts part ot of tt t t tested st lit a this th hi The Tho Work ork IS of ot a eve era gardener 5 r I mont meat men t Hta lion workers a and er to 0 subject of ot puro pure seeds I Is atom orn I ot o situ 1 tance THo The Seed Beta ot of Agriculture o t II ell as the tite most moat Impo If ft u Ing In station In America ct aej r d tt tr ha 11 standards s t d s rind most imp apparatus have hae been a ado adot ted I testing at lit r many of oC the St mont stations The meth iii use ulle and ninny many o ot of the E i 11 larger pieces of ot app aPparatus t ut tf devised ha and Perfected b by tt charge to meet neet the theOn Cit work On entering the tho space der exhibit at nt the tho left lett of oC the se sees s first In a gias case a JI tt rating table with mart forceps and ana other to tools us 71 In separating a 1 sample sampe c of seed seel Into Its lis component lAt t seed chaff sand nan and ander other foi tIt 1 ter er and aull weed seeds Next II a It ij lute Una balances on which lam lu 11 weighed all nil percentages percentage In sees pu po y tests test being based basell upon a yonI the tue scales Is n a new nel mil an er or and sampler ampler In this a t i II seeds Is quickly mixed sad and n a I f tile the desired amount delivered which w ti fairly represent the entire lot let lo One ot if tho the most attractive 0 pIeces j of apparatus used In purity testing Is u the tte blast blatt la iii purity separator which b j also alio a new nelV device The air aim blast Is fe I by a B modern blower bloner driven by bj an electric motor The device deice Itself however la In n which the lie separation of t f hal had ha and tIght er or Impurities front from reed Is p forim through the action ot of an sat air alt current consists ot of a simple bent laii Iau tote tuo connected with a receiver Actual germination tests will be car carried nod ried on at the Exposition E as aln In the Sect Laboratory at nt Washington Commer Cornner Commercial cial elal seeds will le be counted arranges arranged la It folded blue blotters moistens sri trl placed In the standard chamber where they the will b be kept it fixed temperatures favorable to t ru gr rumination r Check germination teat such as liS are arc employed In conduct tests with many kinds of ot seeds eti BJ hi made maele In sterilized sand and M i ft a greenhouse flats fiats The number la IU laminating e each ench day lay for tOI n a definite terU In each of ot the tho tests will VIII be noted at ai ael the tho percentage ot of germination thus this computed Many weeds the seeds md of 01 which ar armost are i most frequently found round a u as In commercial seeds se ll are reprinted b bY be living hiving plants labeled with the nitre camel by b which they should be designated designate ly by 1 English speaking people found roune A unique feature Is an Rn exhibit of oC seeds le Js of oe many ot of these w ee l ani rl also several kinds ol of commercial see ft 1 arranged under forty fotty m magnifying gla glaes clau es cx accompanied by J seeds of oJ the urn star kinds kl In open dishes so that one iw roaf rei readily compare the this magnified Imp slon with the actual seed feed and aa not nOte U and distinctive character would not appear tn in the unaided ert 7 er erThe The fhe results and Importance c 0 iw testing are ore graphically WW et etI I several everal groups of ot R I I ass tubes r reveral rIO I in hair different kinds ot O These show jiow silo the i i nary nar con seed the amount of ot PU Ufe a th 1 lampl and nd the an ae name In the I Ia such as nil Inert ner matter of wed adi iw s sand a nd the tho Proportion Eh It a atrue of itt germ amount finally the tile amoun bl 1 ted of O determined determine as ns true trite to name of sImIlar sample and the IP ot of thief thelt lilt lut Ill tWI waste A comparison I much Is of tea p indicates how hon It waste In buyIng cleansed l seeds If ii seed Commercial sect i ithe ot eol tO Illustrations photographic fa crate In d the largest seed eJ ot of ProductiOn where the t has reached Us Its highest this title country Is la under the geal The exhibit Frederick V C ot of Mr rJ ot of BetEl Chief ot of the tho Division t tEdgar under the In Ia thEt germination Edgar Drown tests a In III the E seed ed T laboratory |