Show J HOAX ruse CI C Said Salt to be Con Conception of of Jokers Schuyler SChUler Neb eb March 21 J Wolter the ho merchant charged with writing threatening threat letters bettors leters to Senator Keals of t Utah with wih Intent to extort money mone Is II wild saId fah to have hae admitted to Inspector Sullivan having written one onet Of t tire the letters leter and Inspector St SI Chile of o if Omaha Is quoted as a saying that Wolter Is 1 guilty but Inasmuch us as 19 no harm barm was done anybody the thee penalty will 1 probably bly not be very vcr severe Wolter Wol nIer er since his arrest lines haH olin dis disposed posed of his hl stock stok of ot goods to F Kropf his hilt hl w for tor 0 Ills His Is lia ha a said to be over oer ISo His Ills nel from the thc sale lale that It ItIs ItI itis I Is his Intention to quit Schuyler chuYler should he lie e with wih a R fine He lie JI came here her front from Utah wh r one on of or his stores was ns destros c d y fire tire Since that time he tee helms inns curried carried no Insurance Welter Wolter WoI r has bl no children of or his lilt own but there It Is I an nn adopted boy by about ft 20 I I who Is with him hint now I ow Ills His Is wife Is ls a most t estimable woman of ot rare Intelli Intelligence gence Both BOlh are arc ar active acte members of ot tho the Methodist church here her He lie Je did noth nothing Inc ing In prior to his hit arrest to lead lend lois his hil neighbors amid a friends to tn believe bellevo him capable of oe originating a n plot to extort money mOlley from tram anybody Tho The coarse manner In which the plot against Senator Kearns KenrO was executed gives color In the tho minds of or iris his hIl friends here to hem his hil claim that he lie was waa as the In Innocent Innocent victim ot or n a traveling man muir who Induced him him to write these threse letters leters as asa asa asa a a step Itell In II the thc perpetration of ot a 1 hoax max which was conceived by a n coterie of at crossroads jokers |