Show MUSIC Jessie Bartlett tt salary this year will be Just 2006 2000 more moore than that received by b PresIdent McKinley Prof Pro spends a good of hU his hl leisure lel ure time Ime he can manu facture any watching th the operations of the organ In the Tabernacle lie He says the remodeled Instrument In Will Ili no be ready for conference The present Indications ate are that the tho remodeled organ will be heard by b the public nt at a II concert to be given by b the choir on un time tha evening of ot Friday April The Tho selections from Faust Kaust referred to in a n prior paragraph will wili be rendered by the choir clinic on ott the time same evening A New York letter says One of tho timo most moat t heartrending failures of ot tho Ihl sea lira lion con Is s that of young Josef Hoffman who plays the time piano jiano to ol ot rubles In but to marble hearts In this town Ills His manager Is III very ery am figures out omit his per Jer personal personal loss ios In the neighborhood of ot jO 20 0 Moreover Hoffman declares he lie II will never visit shores again lIe Ho Is III furious at the critics who have treated d him unmercifully and their at a tacks tucks have had hind time the effect of keeping almost ever every kind cf ct money out of the time box co coA A woman composer compo er of at opera to have ho maye arisen and amid this carp rill creature is isor or of all nationalities the thc most unexpected an Englishwoman And Amid her name annie Is I Smyth The opera that thai has won her lur r the lime attention of the music world Is ls coIled called anti and Is founded on a little known comedy of the time same name by DC ic MusseL Musset At 1 the Premiere Premier In Carlsruhe under tinder the he direction of one no less lesa than Felix Metti himself the work seems to have scored scored a 11 pro pronounced pronounced pronounced eIlS Time The libretto Is 19 de tic declared declared dared confused 1 beyond belief but the time music Is II described as of nn an uncommonly uncommonly manly Interesting type Chicago Tri Trl Tribune bune bone Music lulo lovers lovern of Cache valley alley have been furnished with a n very vcr delightful entertainment lately In the shape of 01 ofu u II concert and amid opera PIO given by bi b a little band of 1 Logan musicians The lime company consists of four tour OCA II it Mis Connie Thatcher hatcher Mlis MI Mr fr t Frank 1 Bangs anti George W Vt Thatcher Jr with Mrs Mn a 0 1 W Thatch r I Jr Thatcher ller anti and Mr III J 3 0 t 1 Thatcher her as all tho time capable ble The organization without iny ormy advertising bluster prepared a J program which In many re me reflects excelled anything of 0 nn an amateur seen In Logan for tor a loni i Unto past lime Tho first part of ot omo delightfully rendered concert lumbers antI the Is formed byi by YI bibs operetta Time Tho ho Stolen Kill Hish who seen the time young poo ji ties s entertainment speak In tho the high st Nt terms of time the manner In which nil j themselves |