Show W II In the tho demise dembe deml e of Patriarch W H IL I Fol Folsom som Utah 10 eI one une of or her ul nd most worthy worth citizens Ho lie was it Identified with wIh many mon of ur the truc turM lurt In the State Slate as ns their anti and builder anti and an wits win respected by II nil classes of ot the tho community He lie was ns a II faithful member of ot the Church and nul was ns honored with the tho high of or Patriarch In the Salt Lake Stake of at ZIon where he resided rc and whore he breathed his last on un earth His Ills excel excellent ex l llen len lent qualities of or ml ml fuLl heart en I him to a n host hOlt of or his bIN material works stand as g monuments to lo his hiu skill and ml accuracy In both do lie HUH and nd executIon elocution eI He lie had full rull oil In th the Ihl Urine mINion of ot the In the ultimate triumph of at the cause which ho lie Introduced He Ill I le calmly looked forward to his hie hi own do Ill dornI 1111 BUI talked with Wit pleasant ant anti anticipation of ot his tW I meeting with the tho departed leaders luders of ot this dispensa dispensation 2 tion when 1 he should houll join them beyond the veil He lie lived the full manure ot of othis his hll days on earth departed In peace nd left lert behind him a B worthy worth family who will hold boil him In loved loed esteem anti nna tender r memory mem r lIe He ha nan hilA gone gona to a II rost rOlt and ond ft tw ni |