Show ems UN IEN H HUi Mr Ui Tolls cl the tho tl Coin mn OIN K They flu 3 WITH tere Vot ut ot Specified Sped II London March 21 Tho colonial sec see secretary Mr Chamberlain In the house of o commune commons today replying to n a quos ques question tion said sail no specific objections had been mantle made by b Gen to any IU of or the peace I terms offered by br Germ Gen Kitchener nel and anden lea Oen en Botha Hotha made no nl lit counter proposals I The he only Information In the possession i of ot the government outside of ot that pub halted In the papers naiers was contained In a ft private telegram from rota Gun den Kitchener sayIng Baying Gen Gemi Botha Hotha had harl a strong ob objection to Sir Alfred Altred Milner |