Show ATIlt 1 In l o to the argument nt o of the th thell ell most of ot the th disputes no nil n to Water rights on the th blK hIi hI of or the Ih State lin been settled satisfactorily by b tho thu cOl a correspondent In tn Wn Wo toll IL a about aboul by hy a 1 judge now out of ot which the Ih writer of ot the tho t o letter tetter unjust and We V do II his hili attaCk on that ex olal b cause 1 e the latter Is 18 i not how tioW hO on tho tUo lendh In h mid It Is 18 I evident Ilent that 1 as a tho Iho case cose tnt against our correspondent he ho heIt hi It over tho the outcome oute lM In about Irrigation affairs In Iii this State te we simply ly d to o Clear Ilear to those tho e Individuals who ta to h hoard of ot control that the final settlement of 0 water dig dis Would to bw I v made by tho ho ami that such lIuch board h e loslI because they would not bo li it able libo bio t 1 th place ot of the coutU coUtt Wu Vu iv u good oot bui lut not perfect law on water rl under which can enn be bo When we used US the he word Vord In this connection Wo Vo Old Hot Intend to convey th the Idea IH that Individual particularly If It I Iho ho woi or lr received ll ad 01 adverse I verse vcrs would bo ho thoroughly d Wo We B RC O no ho wisdom In tribunals to settle r dis lis disputes that cannot bo ue b made mado t to 10 answer tho the end eUl ilu l by hy court proceedings Under Undu our present statutes nil Important tent tant contentions will soon Roon bo be settled nettled This will be ho done dona satisfactorily In III the tho sense that It will be tho the end and of con COli over them ns us It lias been In those that have been already decided which nrc Important I We believe b In hi letting well alone par particularly when remedies proposed to existing n do not cure and anti are aro not In their operations That hns hue been our ml Ur position all nil along In reference to litigation propositions Which appeared to complicate com rather than simplify tho the laws htwa that relate to the tha waters of ot the and the rights thereto h of or Individuals and tind corporations |