Show SUCH WORDS WOULD CONVINCE ANY JURY I PlainSpoken Reasons for Recommending Recommending mending Paine s Celery i ii 1 i I It I IJ J it I 4 l jj I jj t I r Pt t q Jl 11 i ei 1 t tr j r 1 M SEi i Time The ono one really realy great t spring remedy tills this Is IB In iii greater demand this month montim than titan ever Oer before the remedy r mcd that anti and women in every eor station In life Ute believe In Inthe tho remedy that naturally fur outsells all ni others because It U is l the time only remedy that cures curon ros Is 1 celery compound of or druggists throughout the country prove Paines celery celer compound to be lie time Iho universal strIng spring remedy Tho Ilmo 10 great discriminating lies has created this tremendous demand demalI For Por this marvelous remedy first frt pre hire by pro PrIm lessor fessor line has cured Is curing and IUt 11 will cure the th people Thousands of at wi MS tH rt arc 00 every mouth month being won on over overto to hI tn Ka 1 ii use Ue Ufe because they the have witnessed Its wonderful cures cure among their ft If mis Or In their neighborhood HC rrt S 5 Durtt like so j others began taxing Paines celery e of ot tho the of ot a friend whom It hail had cured The Time results result r sul were so 80 much beyond his hl expectation that ho lie in it always eager to tell teli of ot It i lel I for tor tho tue benefit of ot others Covington Pa Ia Jan 22 I first frt tegan Using celery 22 compound the time recommendation It f n ft friend of OC o mimic mile and timid find It has hns done daM me mIme a cm of at good goot I did not ex expect x peeL one omme to cure c re me time but It did tId put hut me InC on my m feet to no that I coula walk while before when I 1 began tn to ex I would have hlo a n heavy of t time tie heart grow row sick at a t the stomach ne tie I there was n a heavy hea lump just under tinder the tIme short ribs anti and nn It I would seem scorn na itS though my nay I legs hogs would drop off ot and It I would be Ic such hard work to breath Gratefully yours your ourt S PAlMS Paines celery celer compound achieved success from rota the very ery start It has ha lifted the burden of ot diseased and Impure blood from rol the time POOl POOI and omit rich rl h alike alke and professional men brAin artisans artina as mechanics social leaders I tf f both bolh sexes have huv come com tu to tI toon tell rl on Paines cilery compound as t time the lw on one fare sa Ce trot t worthy spring remedy U It 1 volumes that of ot all 01 time the flier nn and Mil WOlen w who ho have hUIe recovered health liy ly h lt I its means most of ot them were in lit induced duret to take It through tho time of ot if mother sisters friends or rein Ida tives It II Is us a remedy for tor the time aged us as wol ni as n asfor for th tim thi young OUI The he tact fact cannot be too strongly em emphasized l ec that Paines celery c Is a n ph lans remedy and anit as at lS such li Is u and prescribed by the tho most i eminent practitioners Practitioner It 1 accomplishes reSults For Fer nil all ni tose diseases which are real really ly iy the result of ot weakened nerves or r impure 1 Hood lood such Ruch a nl as dyspepsia head henri headaches h ll aches rheumatism liver lver and kidney trouble malaria nod ana de do debility Ii bliP aines celery celer compound is the only emily known know remedy that no QI re rC reliever fl liever lver but bitt ut permanently cures cure If I you OU wish 1 h to be Lie well vei ammO strong las le elery c Its ls superiority to evely other means menns of ot purifying th tha blood and ind strengthening the time hat has been Jeen In scores cores of o Instances In every community |