Show SIGNED sl UY IlY THE rm Moro OIO Measures Ii I ho of O llio tito C t Nine Kino Ine more moro bills LillI left leU time the hands of ot his tha nor last evening anti and become became laws 1118 of ur the time Six of them mire uro tho nuts acts establishing tho tIme city courts In cities of the first and second class and amid not only abolishing the time of ot police jus Jute ln this lImit city and Ogdon but hut cut out ling out nil alt but ono Oil of at the tile justices ot of 0 thee the pence Jence Four of ot these city court tho e applying to Salt Lake city No US 15 ro Intro in itt the llou HOll ly IY X South Smith the th other two Not Nos 97 91 US tt II COy cov covering eying ering Ogden were Introduced lit hi im the Senate by b R Fl M ii Allison Thu f iu substance JUb of at the changes which tho thu new nets acts will effect lit it l that lint at tho the next city election two city cHy Judges nt ot n a salary of ot 2500 each elich nail Ohio une for tor Ogden at 1100 will be o elected eIN led th thellY city ellY judges will viii bo hu elected nt at time the gen Ron genet et nl elation und rind hold holl toe fop to a n turin term of ot four tour years year Justices of at the thin will viii hold till the tho ot of their present terms lerms after which the time will be bo discontinued dl or of rather ro th r In III Salt Lake Lotte their thel will be only ammO uno justly III In Instead stead of or six sl si nail one also In ill Tho Time Justice will have no tin criminal lion ho lie will Ill not wit nit In tn civil eA which Involve a n value of ot moro 10 On time the other oIlier hand tim the now new will have of ot nil criminal ciss und nulti nil all civil panes easelS up U to OO tho time title Uti of ot real estate Is not hOt nn 00 nn K Fees cs In iii civil ease crues will wll go Into the city treasury nail and the thu city und timid country cl will divide tIme tho fines finet and costs In criminal eases cases Semite bill No tl 17 7 by h Tanner which l ed became n a law provides that none II M but nn nil unless ho hI hobe hobe be he one of nt t tho timo parties to a 1 suit call can tip lip pent pear as nil counsel In a n Justice court courtHouse House bills Nos Not amid nrc by No provides that where Judgments tap taxes Illegally collected have been secured against a n county the school districts must mut pay par their shore share of ot the cost of ot refunding the thc money No adequate fire protection lion tion In nil mulct mines |