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dIssat hailed patients I T will take lake nil all the R of the th cure freak VY persons are unfitted for tor In life lite anil nod we weakness In any all form torm Is II simply a diminishing of if f Kle Ity It In the lime s system You must supply properly before dore you can cun be bus well welland welland welland and strong again misfit Html for till 1117 hook book today to which whet fill ln nil all to yon jon nn Sent Bent free fur tor I the Iii tie klu Dr Bennetts Electric Belt Beltis In is entirely different and In l must mint not be he confounded with wall other 1 helms There are no electric belts Just Justas as good n III as Dr for there are liTO none like It II It has hils soft silken cham sponge electrodes which do lo donot not hum burn and blister bUller a I as do the bare metal Jas used u e on Oil all nil other mik makes of belts My 1 kit BUt inn cnn bo be renewed renoI when burned out for only ik n hell others bum burn burnout out they the are arc worthless worth Absolutely 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It il 4 rr 4 When you get et into the literature volumes of the ii F xi l li i u fl gg sv HOME STUDY CIRCLE LIBRARY enthusiasm stirs i ts A Af jw I Ial 1 f I Ir I you to the very depths i j e 4 Here is value that you cannot measure I c I o N Here ere is familiar intercourse with many Ina ny great 11 t I Is and noble minds mind s I I y t I r I I 1 D a 1 Here is a power power a limitless ss force ready to help i 1 j E i tai i iti you upward if you want to climb It i I ti l wt ap i 1 I i t r m mI f Here is spread out in in clear relief before you the thee I tiN e Panorama of half hundred famous famo stirring over ovel a s x t T TI II lives al I I t Never comes the time in any life when inspiration l Ift I k Il IN IV pat f e er r in 1 I tion to nobler things is not a need You get it in t Ski t p in these volumes N l fili m ri ample measure ll i TO READ GIVEN OF LONGFELLOW f f fr I ILOW r i iI I a LOW WILL THOROUGHLY THO CONVINCE INCE YOU i i iThe t The Biographical study in volume 10 to illuminates f fand and fascinates t THE TiE LADDER OF The numerous critical articles that follow are areST t tI I ST AU AUGUSTINE from the pens of very distinguished writers The readers and students notes a chart of St SL Augustine A well hut hast thou said our vices we can frame Longfellow L ong f e II OW s works wor k sare are very valuable va I ua bl e J A ladder I If we will but tread D our feet each deed of shame shamel t tAll The illustrative readings exhibit the poets pow powers All co things each dayt events 1 That with tho hour ur begin end and end omd ers at their best Our pleasures and our Arc rounds r by b which v we e may mm ascend TIme The low lo i dc lre the base bast design Tle T Ie portraits and other illustrations have an ex excellence p f II t 1 The Thal That ravel makes aks of time the anthers ruddy virtues wine vine less ce II ence that tl t fit rt I the tl le lofty I 0 ft y subject su b lec t I m And all occasions of excess I IThe The longing Ion King for Ignoble things The FRONTISPIECE F to Volume 10 is a BEAU 1 e eThe i H The strife for triumph more than If 1 I 1 truth PORT PORTRAIT AIT of LONGFELLOW Th The hardening of the tho hU heart that brings b l Irreverence for the n of youth 3 in old age This volume also contains a Fine Illus Illustration All thought I of III Ill nil all evil deeds That I have hae their root In thought of 1 ill I of LONGFELLOW S Craigie hinders or Impedes Im The action of tho the nobler will House Cambridge Mass once the headquarters of All Beneath these must our feet first Oral If it be Le we would gain gainIn down dawn Washington W ashin Of this home Longfellow Lon d fellow writes r rIn L In the bright fields of fair renown The right of eminent domain Once ah once within these walls We have ho not wings we cannot soar Son One whom memory oft recalls d hut lIUI wo 0 hao feet foot to scale and climb Uy Ily slow Klow degrees by b more and mote The Father of His Country Cou dwelt 1 The cloudy summits of our time limo e 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