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Show SBSSBBBSBBan running thence South 5 degrees 53' West 531.76 feet; thence South 89 degrees 53 East 50.26 feet; thence South 5 degrees 53 West 50.26 feet; thence South 89 degrees 56 East 200.0 feet; thence North 579.02 feet to a point South 89 degrees 56 East of the point of beginning; thence North 89 degrees 56' West 190.61 feet to the point of beginning. Contains Con-tains 2.87 acres. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO A RIGHT OF WAY OVER THE FOLLOWING FOLLOW-ING PROPERTY: Beginning at a point 531.76 feet South 05 degrees 53' West and 348.83 feet North 89 degrees 56' West c.f 'ha Northwest Comer of the lvjvj-described property, and running thence South 03 degrees 16' East . 50.08 feet; thence South 89 degrees 56' East 340.83 feet; thence North 05 degrees 53' East 50.26 feet; thence North 89 degrees 56' ' West 384.83 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO A RIGHT OF WAY OVER THE FOLLOWING FOLLOW-ING PROPERTY: Beginning at a point North 00 degrees 29' East 1551.0 feet along the section sec-tion line and South 89 degrees 56' East 1045.99 feet and South 03 degrees 19' East 580.0 feet from the Southwest corner of said Section 12, and running thence South 89 degrees 56' East 40.0 feet; thence South 50.0 feet; thence North 89 degrees 56 West 41.75 feet; thence North 86 degrees 04' West 287.96 feet; thence North 89 degrees 56' West 122.44 feet, more or less, to the Easterly line of a road; thence-North 03 degreesJ9' East 50.1 feet along said Highway, thence South 89 degrees 56' East 121.0 feet; thence South 86 degrees 04' East 287.96 feet more or less, to the pomt oi Deginning. Said sale will be made without any covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, pursuant to the power of sale conferred in said Trust Deed. DATED this 12th day of October, 1989., , - .i-" RICHER,SWAN& OVERHOLT By Mark S. Swan, Attorney . Successor Trustee ; 311 South State Street Suite 350 Salt Lake City, Utah 841 11 Telephone: (801) 539-8632 . Published in the . Davis County Clipper First publication Oct 25, 1989 Last publication Nov. 8, 1989 ' Issue No. 38 C-599 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE7 The following described real property prop-erty will be sold at public auction to ; the highea bidder, ; payable iti lawful money of the United States at the time of sale, at the North front steps of the Davis County Courthouse located at 28 East . State Street, Farmington, Utah, on the; 15th day of November, 1989 atl0:00 a.mrof said day for the purpose of foreclosing a Trust Deed with Assignment of Rents executed by W. David Hammons and Penelope Hammons, husband and wife as Trustors, originally in favor of FTL Leasing ; and through mesne" assignments the beneficial interest is ; now owned by Charter Thrift & Loan,; beneficiary by assignment, covering real property located at 2257 Sno qualmie Drive, Layton, Davis Coun-" ty, Utah, more particularly described as follows: . ' - Beginning at a point North 0 degrees 29 East 1551.0 feel and South 89 degrees 56' East 1429.27 V feet from the . Southwest comer of Section 12, Township 4 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian: and |