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Show Two speak for games -',.' i ' ' 1 - w I & s - -M HENRY MARSH By CHERIE HUBER BOUNTTFUL--Bountiful is now the home of two Olympians. Henry Marsh, a longtime resident of Bountiful, Boun-tiful, has been joined by Ed Eyestone. Both appeared at the Bountiful Chamber of Commerce luncheon to speak in support of the Olympics in Utah. Henry Marsh said he felt there were some misconceptions about the Olympics. It is not just a small group who will benefit from the Olympics, he said. Everyone, even the poor, will benefit because the Olympics will generate tax money for many projects. Marsh also said the International Olympics Committee will not only be observing whether or not Utahns approve of the Olypmics by voting ' for the referendum but also by what percentage the referendum passes. He said they would not.be impressed impress-ed if the referendum passed by a narrow margin only. ' Marsh called a vqte, for the ' Olympics a "vote for our future." Eyestone said bis goal as a child was to compete in the Olympics. He said he believed mere would be good support for the Olympics from Utahns. The Bountiful Area Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a rally and SK race to encourage support for the Olympic referendum. Everyone is encouraged to run in the race which will begin at Woods Cross High School at 9 a.m. on Nov. 4. v - Special guest participants will be the Olympians Eyestone and Marsh. Mar-sh. ' '. ;; Entry fee fee the race will be to bring a sign supporting the Olympics. Olym-pics. " - -T ' ' ' Prizes will be awarded to the top finishers. ! Morer information is available from Del Rowe at 298-0640. 298-0640. . , -' : ; f - : -I'" ?$Jf"r I A 1 s ' - ED EYESTONE ... , .. . .., .... |