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Show ;ATE LEGISLATURE 10 5IT COUNTY;BANQUET MD RECEPTION SLATED Forty legislators and their wives expected to take advantage the offer o the St. George "amber of Commerce to take e visiting 'legislators to see the julder dam. This committee ill be here on their regular in-ection in-ection tour of the state educa-inal educa-inal institutions. 'The program as outlined by ve local Chamber of Commerce 4s that they leave Salt Lake Oft Wednesday night after their rive in Cedar Thursday morn-cj.g. morn-cj.g. Cars from St. George would it'jck them up at Cedar City lOinursday morning at 9:00 and ke them through Zion National 'c' trk and down to St. George .iere a luncheon would be prodded pro-dded by the College in the , t; ience building. The afternoon goould then be spent in inspecting sh: e college . and entertainment l-ovided by the school. That s'-ening a banquet would be prodded pro-dded for the legislators, civic ppid school representatives. Early Friday morning the oup would be taken to Boulder cchere they would be given an Xiportunity to inspect this won-n won-n srful spectacle. Luncheon would lift had at Boulder and the re-idirn re-idirn trip would be made in the ifternoon so that there would we plenty of time to take the se:-gislators back to Cedar where ley would take the train for alt Lake arriving back there r londay morning in time for their j aturday morning in time for their jj Committees were formed at a acent meeting of the Chamber f Commerce, school officials and "'epresentatives of the various jvic organizations. These in-( in-( lude: D. Eldon Beck, chairman f the transportation committee; . J. Pickett and R. M. Reber to 1 'ave charge of the hotel arrangements arrange-ments ; B. Glen Smith, chairman f the program committee, with Cd Simmons and Dilworth Snow js committeemen. 1 The program as outlined by i (Continued on last page.) Eegislators ( continued from first page) Mr( Smith calls for the proving of entertainment and refresh fTfnr the guests as they ar-from ar-from ie trip to Zion Na-! Na-! m park- band maneuvering rii.rane.oon, a t u , r-UtyttingasCOgufdeSand a banquet in the evening with the school 'furnishing the musi-l musi-l entertainment. Ellis Pkett will be master of ceremonies at U s banquet and there will b , hort talks by local civic and cnool leaders. Legislators, who desire to express themselves, wil, be given the opportunity. B A C. is desirous of having the ' legislative group in Cedar on Saturday. Their program for that is outlined as follows by the Cedar Chamber of Commerce: A student body and pubi:r meeting at 11 a.m., lupcheon in the College cafeteria at 1 p.m., with a lamb feeding demonstration demonstra-tion to follow immediately. At 3-30, escorted by members of the 'chamber of commerce, the group will be conducted to the college demonstration farm and to the iron mines at Iron Springs, returning to Cedar City for a banquet and ball in the Escalan-te Escalan-te hotel at 7:30. |