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Show I NEIGHBORHOOD. Window glass; Snow & Young. Avoid colds; tlx up your windows. See Dr. Nelson about those teeth. Snow Young will fix your windows Regular mcnls 25o at I'lolner's res-A res-A romcdy forshatterod panes, Snow C. E. Looso made n business trip to Bait Lake Monday. Fresh oyster season has openod up at Jflclnor's restaurant. Jas. Pca-i Ion Mt ndiiy for San Fran-Cisco Fran-Cisco on a business trip. Conference special via Short Lino to tnu host train to tr.ko. Win. Urodlo was visiting friends in town Sunday mil Monday. Deputy ShorllT Henry wont to Lulil Monday on otllclal business. For nil round first class denial work call on Dr. 0. 11. Snyder.U-2t Tho o innty commissioners held their regular monthly session Monday. County Assessor 3. J. Mcrcor came over front American Fork Monday. Glass, nnv old slzoi Snow & Young. Thou. Cloward, constnblo of Pnyson, camo up to L'rovo on business Monday. For window glass, seo Snow & Young. County Surveyor Androw Adanison w.ts down from American Fork Mon-Dr. Mon-Dr. N. II. Nelson docs tlio best of dontal work, You sbotild call and seo Tlte most valuable elephant In tho world will bo boro Wednesday, Oc-"Win. Oc-"Win. Croor, city attorney of Spanish Fork, was in l'rovo Monday on legal Tho little 'galor lu tho front window of Snow & Young's la attracting Mb of attention. You take no clinncos till tho glass is sot, If you get Snow & Young to llx your windows. A now boy arrived at tho homo of Nichols Everts of tho Fourth ward Saturday night. Hfcj? Geo. Q. Cannon was down yostorday Htu morning to attend tho Giaud Central HWt. directors' mooting. HHk Thodato for tho sparing roatoh be- HflF tweun Bean and Woday is sot for HjflK' October 18th at Morcur. Kw A. Dennett, tho well known Insur- HBv nnco man, who.Js now doing Tlutlc, Bfjir visited In 1'rov'o Sunday. Hk Copferonco special via tho Short ffwflii 'no '8 flr3t rum 10 rc"cn Salt MfyPS Lako from Utah county Dn L. M, Paul and Lon Sperry oamo BBbV down from Castllla Springs Saturday BUfli Vi evening for a few days visit. HUpf . You take no risk, wo measure the Wjjpfr opening, wo furnish tbo glass, wo do 1m tho glazing) Snow & Young. Bfffg v O. F. Malmberg has tho thanks of BIr'' V,,b J'bmoouat forco for a sack of HE," flue grapes. Como again, Otto, MjjeSaut Win, Hatfield, one of tho dlroctors BlE, tbo Grand Central, attended tho B?w jncatini; of that company yesterday. HtjK1 Judgo Ddsonbcrry returned Sunday flM; evening froin bis trip up to tbo head of Kfilk '' Provo river. He reports a cold trip, HflnEe Odd slus our tiobbyj Snow Young. Bij' Oweu DuBoubcrry, formerly proprlo Blfp. , tor of the Hotel Hoboris, now of tho H Eureka Hojol, spent Sunday lu Proyo. JHQr Everybody for miles around will bo BS; hero to see Lotncn Urothers' Tbree- Uti&Bi Iuk Circus on Wednesday.Uctobcr 13, HW. D- D. Houtzloft Sunday evening for Hi , Mgdb, Mr. Houlz took with him $12,. J.f fo 9J 'Iw copper properties In Grand county recently purchased by 0. 13. Loose. Mrs. W. D. Uohorts, Jr., went to Salt Lake this morning. The 11. Y. academy closod last ovon-ing ovon-ing until after conference. The Denbaltcr Soda Water company is building new works In l'rovo. Judtfo Johnson returned to his home In Spring City yesterday morning. Eugeno A, Honrlod, tho Dnmocratlo wnrhorso of American Fork, was in l'rovo yesterday. It. G. Lambert, representing the Utah Stove & Hardjvaro company, was doing business in l'rovo yos'ordny. Prescriptions carefully flllrd day or night by n competent registered pharmacist phar-macist at tbo Elkborn Pharmacy ll Geo. P. Cosllgan, of tho woll known law firm of Moylo, Znnc& Costsgnn, Is down from Salt Lako on legal business. Slop thatdrnught;sco Snow & Young. Dr. Simmons' littlodnughter Claudia was taken to Salt Lako Tuosday morning morn-ing for medical treatment for nasal catarrh. Seo tho open dens of .vlld animals In tho street patreant with I.t'tncu Uroth-era' Uroth-era' that wlU'lio hero Wednesday, October Oc-tober l'J, 1-Mwanl Pike, county attorney of Juab county, attended the rally Monday Mon-day evening, going to Nuphi Tuesday morning. The Eastern paperi unanimously endorse en-dorse Lemon Brothers' World's llest Sliows. Seo them boro Wednesday, October 12. It. A. IJarncy, tho popular merchant, is sufTarlng from n ccvoro attack of neuralgia contracted on his duck bunt Inst Saturday. Dclos Lombard, a well known resident resi-dent of Kttrukn, camo down to Provo Monday mnrnlug on business, and to bear Roberts. Tho Provo Hardware and Iron company com-pany hns an announcement nt the top of this pago that will bo to your tutor-ost tutor-ost to road. Tbo Fronch Family, Marotta'p, arc features of Lcmen lliotbers Best Show on earth which exhibits hero Wednesday, Wednes-day, October 12. Have your Improvement Era and otbor magazines and bonkn bound by F. E. Crouch. Work good; prices right. Opp. P. O., Provo A TJ. S. patent for homestead entry No. 0083 Issued to Hans P. Hanson for 80 ncn a southeast of Alptno was filed with tho county rccordor Monday. Tbo dollvory team of Taylor Bro.'s Furnlturo company furnished a lively runaway on Center street yesterday, but uo particular dumngo was done. Marshal Knight went to Salt Lako yostorday in company with bis daugb-tor, daugb-tor, EHclla, who goes to outer St. Mary's academy for a special course You will savo u long walk or a rldo In an over-crowded street car by going to conference via the Short Line spe cial. Seo ndverdsomcut elsewhere In tills paper. E. J. Wnrd & Sons have bought a pleco of laud at the foot of II street, ami a spur track will be constructed fur the convenience of their largo lumber lum-ber business. Wm. M. Koylaucn, Sprlngvllle, Utah, wants your choice fruits, potatoes, winter apples, pears, alfalfa seed, etc. Call on or write him If you liavo anything any-thing for sale. Tho Utnb Millinery and Dry Goods Houso Is doing a good business tbeso days ns It appears to tho general observer. ob-server. Mr-. Annlo J, Atkln Is a very successful manager. Shorlff T. P. Lewis and Deputy Claim Ferguson camo down from Salt Lako Saturday evening In cljargo of an old lady, Hattlo Jousou, who was committed com-mitted to the asylum, Call at tho Homo Bakery for bread, cakos, pics, Ice cream, fruits and confectionery, con-fectionery, Cakes for tbo family mat for balls, receptions and parties inado to order. Flolner JJros. Prop'rs. Wo havo added to our stock and now havo a complete lino of ptiro drugs and cbomlcals, patent rcmedlos, etc. Wc havo tbo finest lino of statlonorv and tablets lu tho city, at tho Elkborn Pharmaoy.ll Wm.M.ltoylauco. Sprjngvlllo, Utah, tbo oldest fruit, produce and alfalfa seed merchant in Utah county. Pays Cash for all kinds of produce. It will pay you to call und seo hint it you have goods for sale. Wm. Broditvthopartio.ilnrs of whoso urrest on charge of forgery weru given In Saturday's Issue, furnished tbo no-oessary no-oessary $2500 bonds to sectiro his liberty Monday, Charles and T. II. Vincent of Provo being bis surotlas. n. 0. Call, captain of tho I). Y, A. football tuain, whllo out last evening with his men practicing for tbo first time this season, was caught in nu mi-fortunate mi-fortunate rush nud us a result Is Buffering Buffer-ing from a broken collar bone. Barney has the largest slock of now cloaks over brought to Provo, and tbo largest Jn Ulb outside pf Sglt Lake, and additions to iho stock are arriving dally. H" reports business exceptionally exception-ally good because bis prices are right and evcryune Is always suro of courteous cour-teous treatment. Tho new management of the Hotel Huberts Is fitting up a ladles' parlor on tbo ground Iloor in elegant stylo. Tbo cbaiigo will not, however, Interfere with the samplo rooms devoted to tbo uso of commercial travelers. Mr. W. D. HobertH, Jr., proposes to make of the houso a first-class hotel In all respects. Among the well known people who camo down from Salt Lako to attend tho rally Monday night were Hon. B. H. Itoh.-rts, Fisher S. Hnrrls, S. A. ICenncr, E. A. MeDnnlelS, mntiairer of tbo Salt Lake Herald, Noble War rum, assistant editor or tho Herald, and A. V. McKay and Miss Maddlson of the Salt Lake Tribune. No business of any linportanco was transacted by the county commission-era commission-era lu their regular monthly meeting this week. A few petitions were pre sooted, n few claims allowed and a few applications (lied for remission of taxes, which hnwever were not allowed. al-lowed. Nothing In tho proceedings Is worthy of extended mention. Mr. H. Jay Lambert, late of the Lambert Drug company, Is now associated asso-ciated with A. D. Sutton at the Elk-horn Elk-horn Pharmaev, 110 West Center street. Mr. Lambert is a registered pharmacist, pharma-cist, having been In the drug business for about ten years. lie whl be on band to fill prescriptions day and night, or toattond to any of yourothor wants, at the Elkborn Pharmaev. A local Item appeared In tho Enquirer En-quirer a few evonlngs ago in regard to an operation of skiu grafting on tho arm of Thos. Osborne's little daughter. The Enquirer stated that Dr. Allen was in charge of tho operation, and Mr. Osborne desires us to say In justice that the physician ij Dr. Taylor. Wo arc pleased to learn that the little girl Is progressing very nicely uudor tbo treatment. |