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Show POLITICAL STEAWS. A Santaqntu correspondent to the Euqulror, with n clumsy attempt to conceal his Iden ity with rcveised Initials, Ini-tials, makes tho assertion lu Saturday's Satur-day's Issuo that 0. F. Malmborg, Democrats Dem-ocrats candidate for county treasurer, has pledged the deputyshlp In his olllco in cuso he Is elected. For tho Information In-formation of that misguided correspondent corre-spondent we may say that Mr. Malmborg Malm-borg hns nut pledged himself fo anyone and docs not Intend to do so. A meeting of the State Democratic committee is called for tomorrow (Thursday) evening In Salt I.ako. Reports ot tho John Ilenry-Eldrcdge-Meakln-Ragley starring tour In the northern counties irrcslstnbly remind us of tho "Col." Truinbo aggregation of threo years ago. Tho Enquirer asks how long County Clerk Havcrcamp would remain hero If out of olllco. In answer wo will say that Mr. Havcrcamp would remain hero jut as long as the Enquirer editor would if out of u Job. Tho Euqulror now runs tho Republican Repub-lican county ticket, the delay apparently appar-ently being a fear lost tho same would not bo paid for at advertising rates. If the local organ of Republicanism has this fenr of Its own party what should be tho feeling of tho people? Lieut. Bcnnor X. Smith has been granted a thirty-day furlough und will come home to make tho light for county attorney In Salt Lake, where ho has been nomlnatod by tho Republicans. D. C. Elchnor has boen mndo Republican Repub-lican county chairman in Salt Lake. We aro sorry for Dennis. Ho was modu for better tlilrms, Wo might say something mo an odi-torially odi-torially about the cdltot or tho Nephi Republic, but as tho English language contains no adjectives suillclently moan to doscrlbo ttiat editorial nondescript, we rofraln. Ho has already commenced his iHual vllo and falsifying course which ho has pursued In previous campaigns. cam-paigns. Ho is unworthy of the namo of Democrat, which ho claims, or of any other namo which carries with It an olemout of honor. ft Wo can cordially ondorsciho following follow-ing extract from the address of Hon. B. 11. Roberts delivered at Spanish Fork Taut ovenlug: "I am not an Issuo in this campaign, I have imt been reduced to a condition whore I have to apjloglza lor my win-duct win-duct or to defend my morality. For twenty years I have bicn btloro my o people and my life and character uro known to you. If men think 1 can ho driven Into a personal defenso of my llfo they nro mistaken. All tho howls that have been or can be made and nil tho mud that has boon thrown will imt be allowed to otneuro tho Issuo of this campaign, which Is whether the people shall havo restored to tliom honest money, tho money of tho Constitution. Con-stitution. If elected to tho position for which I havo been nominated 1 promlso to dovoto nil my powor towards to-wards rlghlluz this wrong." The, Republican county platform ns run by tho Enquirer Is followed by tho letters "tf." Wo suppose this means "tarnation foolishness." Tho Enquirer has a lit of "suppoa log" as to what present county otllcurs will do If not re-elected. Now, It Is In order to "supposo" as to tho Enquirer out lit. ' The Salt Lako Herald rofers to John P. Meakln as tho lion of the Ropubll can starring tour. The Herald Is correct; cor-rect; Eldrcdgo Is only 0110 of the cubs. In Ids Spanish Fork address last evening Hon. B. 11. Roberts wlsuly stated that his personal llfo Is not an lsuc In this campaign. It Is the people's peo-ple's cause wo are ilglillug not personalities. A 0. Smoot, county chairman; A. J, Evans of Lehl, candidate for Stato senate; and Jacob Evans, candidate for county attorney, attended the Demoeratlo rally at Spanish Fork last evening. |