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Show IIHriMTCrv The Utah Countv 1)km-WJrl 1)km-WJrl IM I nil ookat wants uitonts and III II I 1 LL. solicitors 111 I'rovo and every city and town In . Utah county. T.lbornl comnilsdoii nllowcd on nil business. Wo shall n,so ho plonsod to re-r re-r cnlo communications a 10 local Implx'nlnp" otlntcrest. A noon n pomlhlo our muna(?cr r will visit tho dlllorcnt prcclpcH of tho county !- with a vlow of Bccurfnir correspondents and agents. Address nil romniuntcntlons to THE UTAH COUNTY IlHMOOltAT. I'rovo City. Utah, pi T2 IITP Tho rotlowlnn nronuthor-"Tllr' nronuthor-"Tllr' ll I X Izud by tho inaiiUKmncnt 1 IvlDl 1 1 of Tub Utah County . Dkmochat torecolvoor. dors for suhscrlptlon und nil other buslnnss '' and to collect runney on all accounts! r.chl S. W. tlons American Fork. Ebcncrcr Hunter Sprlngvlllo 1'. E. Mount Aiplno I. H. Vnnco I DEMOCRATIC TICKET. STATE TICKET, i For Justice Supremo Court: II N AS1 IN. For Conjrossinntu J31UGIIAM H UOUEUTS. )f UTAH COUNTY. I For Slate Senate: A1JEL JOHN EVANJ3, Loh, & AO 3M00T, I'rovo. For Stuto Representatives: I' JOSEPH LAPISH, American Fork. I JOHN E BEITS, Pay hod. ' MAK1NUS LAKSEN, Sp'lsh Fork, j WM M HOYLANCH, SpriuKvlllo. ''- For County Commissioners:. ? A M DAVIS, Loli I. JOS T McEWAN, Provo. It WM B HUGHES, Sptmlsh Fork. For Couuty BhorllT: I GEO A STORKS, Sprlngvlllo. ... Jror County Treasurer: 0 V MALMBEKG, Santuquln, k For County Assessor: ROYAL T I1UISII, Payson. IHf For County Attorney; B'; JACOB EVANS, Frovo. For County Clerk: Hr GEORGE IIAVEROAMP, Provo. BF""""For Countv Kcconlor: ' MAY imOWN SPENCER, Provo. fB For County Survey on SB ANDREW ADAMSON, Amor'n Fork. B' H PRECINCT, B For JubUco of the Peneoi JACOB F GATES. B.' For Constttblot JHr, WREN WILKINS. H--"" Hr Chairman County Central Committee: HB A O BMOUT, Bccrotary County Central Commlttcot GRANT 0 BAGLEY. IfKV A dtl reus i Provo City, Utah. BE SURE TO SEE THE NEW LINE OF flj , j 1 Millinery, Art Goods, d Dress Goods, and Ladies' Underwear. I Utali Millinery & Dry Goods J ...House... I Special Inducements in UNDERWEAR all Week. jH ANNIE JONES ATKIN, Prop'r. jf 4 Paper-Ruling. I jyferKifeiM. I'unrovcd machinery. Skilled TSPWapJTOr)--' f k. workmen employed. None but 1tsse A flrst-clnss work turned out of our H GS2 ' l ' elUH"sh,leut' County, City and H 4 PSjgsfwg tjgJ Helled. Merchants.'Biinkerand jl l3cgyi Lawyers wMl And us cnpablo of tTtfjhgr-i bu dotio in tho largo concerns or s The Skelton Pul). & Stationery Co, f PROVO CITY, UTAH. LYcrcamp & Co., I I Abstractors of Title H for Utah County. I Loans, Insurance, Sj il Heal Estate. tpp. Postolllco, Provo City, Utah. I 'jl E. J, WARD & SONS. J LUMBER YARD AND PLANING MILLS, J All Muds of COAL I Telephone 32. Provo, Utah. H THE MAINE. 20 W. Center St., Provo. R. D. SUTTON, Proprietor. ; Finest line of Wines, Liquors and Cigars in Central Utah. Courteous treatment for all. John A. Lewis' I Livery Stable. Best Accommodations for Traveling Men. ' I Give me a call when you want a first-class rig. I We want you I . to come and see our beautiful stock of Furniture, Car- I pets, Wall-paper, Linoleums, Window Shades, Lace H Curtains, Pianos, Organs, Guitars, etc. ; Crockcy, I Glassware and Jewelry; Steel Ranges, Stoves and I Stove Furniture. The largest line of these goods carried by any house in the West, at prices that will be sure" to please you, ;l OUR NEW CARPETS ARE BEAUTIE8. jfl PRICES WAY DOWN. Our entire stock of Wall Paper will be sold' at a sac- il rifice to make room for new stock. Come any time; jl we never sleep. !l TAYLOR BROS. CO. fl Center of Center St., VUOYO ; Branch House. EURKKA, UTAH. M J |