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Show t COUNTY, id by Utah County Con-ition, Con-ition, at Provo, September Sep-tember 7, 1 898. TKOIISI AND MCSOLUTIONS. noeratlo p irty of Utah noun- .uiihoi-Ucd delegatus in eon-ai'mbli'd. eon-ai'mbli'd. Mibniit the follow-nation follow-nation of prinelplfls: i ' utUrni, nnd endorse the ptailornj adopiod by the ' !' ai.Kiratlc Convention nt ,' IMW, and especially that "' platfiirm which declared the fr ami unlimited f silver equal with gold at " of lOto I. Tho warfare be-ia be-ia money power of the world miwsesof humanity is still on. Iu Is u3 laportaut jiuw, and WHI inoro Importnnt than It was iu 180.') It Is and must conllnuo to bo a conflict between grinding monopolies on the one hand and thodowu-troddon masses on tho other, until, by the mighty vnlco of tho pcoplo nt tho ballot box, It shall havo been sottlod, And sottled right. Thin Is tho paramount Issue before the pcoplo. It has hitherto been In tho State of Utah a question upon which all of tho political parties agreed. Recently, however, by the uso of Juggling words and meaningless tortus, calculated only to obscuro tho vital question and bofog the Issue, tno Republicans of Utah, with many lion-orable lion-orable cxosptlons, In violation of their solemn pledges nnd promises to the people, havo takon a backwnrd step In tho progress of tho tight until It hns becomo Impossible to regard them any longer In nny othor light than ns tho friends of gold and onetnles of silver Tho only truo friends of any question arc those who light for Its triumph, and light to win. Such Is tho attitude of tho Democratic pnrty townrds tho froo nnd unlimited colnago of silver equal with go'd as a money of ultimate redemption. 2 Tho Democrats of Utnh county aro proud of tho results of tho war with Spain. Wu are nono tho less proud of tho fact that Democratic Senators Sen-ators and Representatives In the Con-gross Con-gross of tho Unitod States by uncoas-lug uncoas-lug agitation, In splto of a formidable opposition by Republican loaders created cre-ated a public sentiment in tho country which forced nnd compelled n reluctant reluct-ant . Republican Administration to declare war. A declaration which not only tho distinction of tho "Maine" was nrranged, but liberty and tho opportunity op-portunity of enlightened frco government govern-ment was extended to an oppressed and down-trodden people. 3 Wo ronillrm our adhoronco to the doctrine of equal suffrage, nnd aro proud of that provision of tho Constitution Consti-tution of tho Slato of Utah, by which equal suffrage is guaranteed without regard to the distinction of sox; and wo declnro that that provision of the Constitution, and tho laws made Iu pursuance thoroof should ho given tho fullest posslblo effect; and tho absolute right of women to voto and hold oillco should bo uphold and maltalnod. 4 -Wo congratulate tho people of Utnh county, nnd tho De.mocrntic party thoreln upon the clean, frugal nnd honest administration of tho county government by the ofllcors elected In 1890. The county govorn-mont govorn-mont has han ad ministered nnd conducted con-ducted in tho Interest of the citizens and tho taxpayers nnd for tho public good. Wo therefore, ns tho representatives represent-atives of tho pirtv to whom said ofllcors owo their olectlon, hoa tily endorse en-dorse nnd approve tho mannor in which thoy hnvo discharged their trust nnd bepeak for thorn tho sincere gratitude grat-itude of tho pcoplo of Utah county. |