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Show HOW HE WOULD VOTE. Tho Uliih State Journal is one of tho foremost anil Is certainly the most radical rad-ical of "Silver Republican" papers In Utah, yet even tho Journal can't bland Eldredgo. In thu last Istue It has the following to say as lo how Eldredgo would voto on sliver If elected to Congress: Con-gress: "That's not a conundrum nt all. Should Mr. Eldredge unfortunately bo elected, on a platform pledging him to voto for sliver, his tlrst voto In tho House would be airnlust silver. Either tlili, oreUo he would tloilgu lliu question ques-tion by nbsentlng himself from tho Republican caucus at which tho candidate ior speakor is agreed upon mid from his seat In the house when tho vote for speaker should bo tukon. Should Mr. Eldredge bu elected and gi Into tho Republican caucus, he would bo In honor hound to stand by tho action of thu party caucus and to voto for Tom Reed for speaker; and Tom Itccd Is ono of the very rankest of goldbugs. In his portion bo Is able to do moro damage to tho causa of blmetallsm than oven tho Prosldont himself. No truo blmetallst can conscientiously con-scientiously voto for Mr. Eldredgo nnd Tom Reed. A voto for Eldredge Is a voto for Reed and tho gold standard." Tho Journal Is undoubtedly correct In tho above. Tho only wonder.wo fcol Is that Editor Llttlellold docs not at onco and openly retiounco tho Republican Re-publican parly, which Is responsible for tho conditions and possibilities It details. |