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Show Athletic Association Olllccrs. Tho B. Y. A. Atliletio ossoclotlon mot Muuduy evening nud elected olllco olll-co r 9 as follows: President, R. C. Ball; vice-president, Mamie Gates; sccroUry, Claude King; troasttror, T. O. Ilnyt. The above, with Prof. Swnnson, Erastus Nlelson, Wm. Hughes, Tcsslo Hlnes and Prof. Stanley constitute tho board or directors. direc-tors. Managers of different branches of athletics were selected as follows: Font hall, Wm. Hugbes; base hall, O. V. Harris; basket Dull, Mattle Nelson; Nel-son; track athletics, Carl Hopkins; gymnasium, Eugene Roberts. B. 0. Call will net us temporary manager for the fool ball team. Tho meinour of tho association manifest groat Interest In-terest nnd from that reason wo bollovo It will meet with continued success. It is proposed If posslblo to nrratigu for tho (list foot ball game with tho Y, M. C. A. team, and If this is dono a lively gauio Is assured. |