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Show If OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. I District Judge, Wnrcn N. Dusonborey , Clerk, Oeorno Ilavcrcump. I Court Stenographer, Mont ItoborU, , UTAH COUNTY OFFICER8. ( James O. ttultoclf. PI. Grovo. L Selectmen-; JuintH H. Terry. I'uytton. T" I A. M. Paris, Lchl. Assessor Jcil J. Mcrcor. American Pork Cltrli OtorRO Ilnvtrciitnp, l'rovo V Kiicrlft (Juorpo A. Storrs, l'rovo :; Keconlor llyrum V. ThomuH, Trovo - Treasurer Kllen Jakmnnn k Prosecuting Attornoy Sntnucl A. King, l'rovo t 8urvoyor Andrew Ailnmfton, Am. I'ork Hupt. Schools J. I,, Urown. I'l. Orovo R fjunroDtlno myslclon Dr. Allen, l'rovo I PROVO CITY OFFICERS. K Mayor , Samuel S Jones IS Pint Word.. ..1Mb Johnson, Thomas IrccMcy f Second " II. J. W. (loddard W. U llroroton 5 Third " ,.K. V. Vincent, A. W. Harding i Fourth " ...Thomns Mnrlln.John K. Ilooth 3 Klfth ' W M, McKendrlck, J. II. Keeler Jtfcorder I.urn Nolsnn m- Murnhul Newel Knight m Trensuror ....Mnry Hoshurd f Justice of tho i'eaco.,,, ..Alonzo A. Noon f. City Attornoy Thomas John I Superintendent Waterworks J, E. Armltstcnd Quurantlno 1'hyslclan., ........ ..Pr. Simmons 1 Wulermnstor uud Itoud Bipof YT. K. Kurrer T City Sexton , , ,.,T. II. CluR Flro Chief W.J Taylor CONFERENCE. Cheap Rates via Rio (Jraudo Western Hallway. For tho annual conference of L D. S. at Salt Lako City, October 6 to 0, Inclusive, and tho Eisteddfod at Salt Lako City, Ootobor 5, 0 anil 7. Tbo It. G. W. will mako a rain of $1.00 from l'rovo to Salt Lako City and return. Selling dates October ft to 0, inclusive; inclu-sive; llmltud to Octobor 15. Flno now chair cars and first-class coaches run cn all tralas. Four fast trains oach way dally. F. Fouts, Agent. Cheap Rates to Pitt shit vg via R. G. W. For the triennial Conclave Knights Tompler at Pittsburg, Pa., tho It. G. W, will make a rate of $52.75 via standard linos, and $51,00 via dltToron-lal dltToron-lal lines, Provo toPlttsbugand return. Tickets will bo sold Cctober Oth, 7lh, 8th nud Oth, will bo good for return, leaving Pittsburg on or before October Octo-ber 27th, but may bo extended till October 31st, F, Foutz, Agent. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES, Consult County Clerk or Respective Signers fir Further Information. In tho District Court or the Fourth Judlolal District, Utah County, Utah. Probato Pyl oii, In tho Matter of tho Katatcof Edward F. Q raves, deceased. NOTiai:.-Tiio petition of Jane J. a.rve snd Geo. Cunningham asking (or order to sell all right of possession In and to certain real ratals, and ull personal property situate In Ornnd County, Utah, has been et for hearing nt 111 o'cck a.m., Monday, tho 17th day of October, IKWt, at the court houso In l'rovo OUy, Utah County. Stati dt Utah, Pated at l'rqvo City Utah, Oct. 4. IBSlS. QKO. It AVBUOAMP. Clerk. Pr A. V. HomsoN, Deputy King. U u r to n & King & Grant C. Pagley, attornoy for pe.tttonor. lFrst riubljf afloa 0 6. 1858-1 n t i. CONFERENCE. Sppcial via OrPKon Short Line. October Octo-ber Gill, 7th, Oth and Otli. Tho Oregon Short Lino will mako one fare for round trip and run as follows: fol-lows: LEAVK. FA HE Nophl 0:40 a.m. 33 00 Santaqilln 7:18 " 2 35 Payson 7:27 " 2 85 Benjamin iM " 2 25 Spanish Fork 7:42 " 2 25 1 Sprlngvlllo 7:40 " 2 10 i l'rovo 8:00 " 1 00 1 Lakevlew 8:09 " 170 Pleasant Grovo 8:18 " 1 50 American Fork 8:24 " 1 35 Lehl 8:33 " 1 25 Arrlvo at Salt Lake, 0:35. Conference tickets are good on afternoon passenger train. Special train will leave Salt Lako for Nophl and Intermediate points October 0, 7, 8 and 0, nt 0:30 p.m. Our special Is tho first train to reach Salt Lako. Tho tiibernaclo Is only tbree blocks from tho O. S. L. passenger passen-ger station. Comont walks and two lines of electric cars from depot to temple cquaro. G. W. CitAlO, Ticket Agent, Piovo. II'ivo that hroksn glass replaced. Cho.ip Rates via R. G. W. R'y. Omaha Exposition. Faro for round trip $48. Selling dates every day until October loth, limited to November 151 li. F. Fouts. l'rovo, Utah. Agent. SILVER, Trie PRINTCK.. ( Headquarters for ) l strictly up-to dato ' Society oud Commercial Com-mercial Printing. In the Cellar, Union block. SOME GREAT SNAPS. WHILE EAST we bought some great jobs. In order to get lowest prices we were forced to buy large quantities. We shall give our customers full benefit of exceedingly low prices paid for these jobs by giving a SPECIAL SALE each week. On these sales we will give prices that in many cases are lower than goods cost to make. See Below Our List of I Special Bargains fop Week, Oct. 3rd. I .,.,-...-- ., , . , , ,. , - .I Boys' Suits. 80 noy?' Short Pant Suits, slates 0 to 12 years, greatest value ever offered. This Is an assorted lot bought FIFTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, and will sell them ns follows: $1,05 and $2 00 Suits at $1.00 82.75 and 83.00 $1.75 41.25, 84.50, and $4 75 $2.75 85.00, 85.50, 80.00 and 80.50 ... 3.00 CLOAKS. 20 per cent CHEAPER than any othor House In Utah County. 5-SPECIALBAUGAINS-5 This week's values aro simply WONDERFUL. nest Prints, all colors, per yard,,, 40 L L Binding, per yard i ul Provo Steam Laundry, A: Best work and reasonable prices. JM Give us a trial; guarantee satisfaction. IpL vjM We do the finest of fine work, and jlj W make a specialty of family trade. fP J, N, GULICK,. - - - FROPRieTO IT IS TIME NOW to think about what kind or cooking apparatus -grgl1"" - M you aro KnR 10 1180 11,0 coining W -Xjj-irl I J A winter. Why not buy nn IMPERIAL ( TPj" I KANGK? ltU tlionoatest.cloanest and ilsi bUSt R'U1R0 011 tllR nl"r,u, W bnvo "vv?! J...U Ik them that rnngo from S2o to 850 and aa V "" ii . irf rzi jpsfl., ,"rr oviy no ' guaranteed il-st-cluss la ll iS Iif3l everyway. Our lino ot ill i H4p If C00K stoves llj J W J Is complete and you can not miss It by b"i',nK of U9' ' Do not fall to seo our HOT ULAST , IMPERIAL RANGE. GERI 1)0,0,0 bjylng a Heater. It Is tbo wannest thing that over happened and will save ONEH ALF your fuel. Wo never lcavo tho store and nro always ready to attend your wants for anything in hardware. FR0V0 HARDWARE, & IRON COMPANY. Conleronco Rates. ercsS? L,lt('8t Improvement in p.. . . ,..1. KJfCai Crown and Rrltlgo Tho Oregon Short Lino will havo the Work. usual conferciifo tickets on salo, half rninv?1JISJ faro, October 5th lo 0th Inclusive. "glTTo0. Limited to October 15. A special train LZTL vy will be oporati'd butwoeu Utah county Ifs' auarantccrt to be tho best points and Salt Lako City .luring con- TilltoZ feroneo. Time of this train will bo borciunuou. published later DK. J. N. CHEISTENSEN W. OitAia. Agent. IJcck. Jawc,w storo ,,roro. Capes. Jackets. Bargain No. I . Ladles' lino heaver cloth Cape olegauily braided, pleated ft I A back, a baigaiu at fJ.OO; ' Ml this week only IJJls lu Bargain No. 2. Ladies' extra long heavy blk boaver ninth, double Cape, black Persian lamb fur trimmed, and handMimoly fflf) ("If braided. Regular i0.75,ihls - a week only H)Ui I U Bargain No. 3. Ladles' blk Astraohau Jacket (11 PIT silk lined throughout, was iL 1 $7.50, this week i)T i V Bargain No. 4. Ladlos' flno black chuviot (HQ fir Jacket, good valuo at 83.00, n this weok only tyUtUKJ Bargain No. 5. Ladles' extra (Inn Kersey ploth Jackets, very latest cut, lined throughout wlili satin, now blues, browns, filrt A A blacks, a Jacket worth $10, I II this week only lj)UUU Shoes. JOB NO. I. I GO pr Children's line Dnusola I Kid spring heel button Shoe, plain toe, size 0 to 12, This nrfl Shoo Is worth $1.25 pr: yours this woek !.... UlIU JOB NO. 2. I 72 pr Children's heavy grain, I spring heel, button school PirH Shoes, sizes 8 to 12, lino value i at $1.25. Ibis week lUU JOB NO. 3. I 00 pr Misses' lino Dongnln H Kid, bin ton Shoe, pat. tip, spring heel, slzo 13 to 2. This Shoe Is the celebrated ffl I I A Cincinnati Shun, la worth V ' $2; this weoK...; , .lj)lflu JOB NO. 4, M 72 pr Men's flno heavy Shoes, 9 assorted kinds, only a few pairtAeach. Regular prlco of these Shoes are $2.75, 01 1 Hu 83, $3.50 and up to $5, Your 1 M pick this week. f ' IH Attend our SPECIAL SALES and your money will go twice as far.H We want your trade, and are going to have it if we have to sell youB goods at less than their value. Watch for Salo Text Week! Will he a Hummer! I ; ; YOURS FOR BIZZ, 1 Center Street, Provo City, M |