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Show THE CAMPAIGN OPENS. United Democracy Listens to the Truths of the People's Cause. ADDRESS OF OUR CHAMPION CHAM-PION APPROVED. Enthusiastic Mcctine; Addressed by B. II. Roberts, the "Blacksmith Orator," Sllvcr-Toiiguod Fisher Harris, and ilio Original "Snjro-Brush "Snjro-Brush Democrat," S. A. Keiinor. Tho Democracy of Provo and Ulah county united lust Monday evening In a grand Democratic rally, opening the campaign In tho State for 1808. It was a grand event for tho people and the Democracy of Utah county, and wo might say, equally as grand for tho people of tho State. In Ulah county this fall will be fought out tlio hardest part of' tho fight against the Republican Republi-can pnrty unci tho gold standard, and it is therefore,, wo think, eminently lilting that the campaign should bu opened in our county capital. The meeting was hold In tho Provo opera house, which was tastefully decorated de-corated with flags, and with banners bearing appropriate mottoes. A large and appreciate audience was in attendance at-tendance anil the name of -our groit National standard burner, or our Utah champion, never failed to elicit storms of uupluusu. Tho meeting was called to order by Couuiy Chairman A. O. Smoot, who In a few well chosen words, Introduced S. A. Klnir ns the chairman of the evening. Mr. King, in a short speech of acceptance oxprosscd his surprlso and also gratillnatlon lit the honor and spoke a few felicitous words lu regard to the personnel of tho Democratic ticket and tho certainty of Democratic success In this county and State. He then introduced tfh HON. FISII1SU S. IIAIIIU3 as tho first speaker of tho evening. Mr. Harris was in a most hnppy mood, and for hulf an hour held the audience spoil-bound with his oloquenco and luglc. Ho slated that ho was not tho big gun of tho campaign, but rather acted as tho advanco guard, or the skirmish line. Ho reform! to his own candidacy for tho Democratic Congressional Con-gressional nomination, and stated that tho moment tho nomination fell to Hon. B. H. Roberts, ho that moment became that gentleman's most earnest supporter, and earnestly called upon his former supporters and present f I lends to do likewise. Mr. Harris paid his respects to tho John Henry-Meakln-Eldrcdgo combination minstrel . show now touring the Stato and waxed complimentary toward Mr. Menkln lu drawing his comparisons. Ho staled tho accepted truth t hut tho war Just closed was an American war, not a Republican war, and that the ofllcors, soldiers ULd sailors were of all parties and that to no party In particular does tho honor and glory belong. He severely se-verely arraigned tbo present administration adminis-tration for Its flagrant neglect of tho needs of the American soldlor, and declared that Ignomnco or criminality is an issue In the present cumpalgn. In closing, Mf. Harris referred to tho National llno-up of tho two roat parties, par-ties, the Republican on tho side of gold and the Democratic ou tho side of true bluiotullsm. After a selection by tho baud, tho chairman Introduced HON. 11. II. llOJJEUTS, next Congressman from Utah, Mr. Roberts was greeted with tumultous uupluuso and spnko for over au hour on tho main, If not only Issue, between tho parties. Mr. Roberts paid a glowing glow-ing and deserved tribute to the wortli and ability of Judgo R. N. Raskin, Democratic candidate for Supremo Court Judgo, and demonstrated the desirability of having both parties represented re-presented on tho Supremo bench of the Stnte. Ho referred to the war question as brought up by tho previous speaker and Illustrated In what way ami ojdy what way tho war Is an Issuo in tho preeont campaign, and that is so far as tho glaring errors of the war department depart-ment have disgraced tho country by tho neglect and cruelty to bravo soldiers sol-diers und sailors, all of the olllclats responsible bcln appointees of Mc-Jvlnley, Mc-Jvlnley, Thfl ni.nn ponlun of Mr. c. Koborts' address was devoted to tho consideration of the financial question which ho declared the truo lstuu and one which eclipsed all other Issues as tho brilliancy of tho sun surpassed the stars. Ho paid 6omo attention to tho Wolcott fnrco, ostensibly for the li ne lit of blmetalhm, for which the pooplo are paying and .viilch was made possible by Republican legislation. Ho recited In brief tho history of tho Republican Re-publican party upon tho lluanclal question, nud showed clearly tho ab surdity of considering tho restoration of silver under tho rule of that patty. Ho considered the operation of tho Latin Union with respect to tho maintenance main-tenance of tho parity of tho metal, and showed by comparison tbo clear possibility of this government nlono maintaining that parity. Mr. Roberts quoted numerous statistics to show tho logic of the Democratic position upon this subject. Before closing ha referred to tho acquisitions madn during tho recent re-cent war und their olTtct upon this question of bimotullsm. Mr. Roberts clnsod with a comparison of tho overshadowing over-shadowing Importance of tho financial question over both protection and reciprocity. re-ciprocity. 8. A. KKNNKR was Introduced s the closing speaker, and by his ready wlc and not illuslra-lions illuslra-lions captured the audience, Ho paid 11 glowing trlbuto to Judge R. N. Raskin, and referred to Mr. Roberts as tho light of Utah Democracy. Tho 111 co ll m: was a great success and will have tlio effect of still further splldllylng the Democratic party in Utah county. Mr. Roberts held anolhor meeting at Spanish Fork lost evening and will hold one at Lohl tonight. Democratic enthusiasm in tlio county is rampant and the favoritn prediction is that the party ticket will go through to victory entire. |