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Show EOUItTII DISTUICT. PROCEEDINGS IN THE FOURTH B DISTRICT COURT. B Judges Johnson nnd Dusonbcrry llolk Have Their Innings Tho Cowcu Diuungo. Case Other Civil and B Pi'ohato Cases. -B P.TUUDAY. ,B In the case of A. A ndorson vs. II. B ClnlT ot nl., until October 20 wns given B to servo and tlio notice of Intention to !B move for new trial. )B MONDAY. JB Tho trial of tho damage suit of John Cowcn vs. Rio GmihIo Western rail- lB way was resumed before Judgo John- IB sou this morning, The jury Is ns fol- JB lows: Isaao 11. Vance, II, W. Harnett, Jus. W. Reau, Jos. Armstrong, Wm, 11. '"I Fairbanks, Ntel Gardner, Jus. G. Haws and Ed. Crcer, Tho enso was rt concluded nnd wont to tho jury ut 8: lo p.m. 1 ho jury came In at 0 o'clock -M with a verdict for tho plaintiff for damages to tho amount or $250, jk Probate casos before Judge Dusen- ';' berry. Mattor of estate of Wm, Holt, J deceased; John O. Holt nnd Samuel iB Holt appointed administrators; bond . jB $1000. 'B Mutter of cstato of Niels Nelson, do- . lB ceased, ll tint account npprovod uiid dls- trlbutlon ordered. Olnis. DoMoisy, 'B Thos. B. Parkor and Wm, W. Hunter 1 , weru nppoluted commissioners lu p.ir 'H B The trial of tho cuso of Carolina 'H Hayes vs. O. A. Sladc ot al. wns taken up this afternoon before Judco Dusen- berry. Tho plaintiff is represented by JB Warner & Houtz nnd tho defendant by Chus. DeMolsy. Tho following Jury B was empaneled: Thos. Powell, Daniel 'B Williams, W. C. Browu, Clin. D, Glazier; Jos. T. MoEwnn, Hurry Mo- Conrd, John W. Blackott, Jr., jmd W jH F. Gurnoy. Tho caso wub still In pro- gross at tho evening adjournment. .vll Smoot Drug compnny vs. H. S. Pyruv$' .IB tried boforo tiiu court without n, Jurj 'iB After hearing evidence of plaintiff Ums .--'B defendant moved for a non-suit ami " matter was taken under ndvlsemont. , Estate or Geo. Mayor, hearing oa iH petition to soli real estate set for Octo- ber 1 tuksiuv. Johnson vs, Mercur Mining company; motion to strike out overruled and enso coul lulled without date. jH Tho trial or the caso of Hayes vs. jH Slade was roNiuned this morning, In tho case of tlio Stato or Utah vs. H Calvin Crngnn. being n suit brought . JB on a criminal bond, tho complaint was jB dismissed ou motion or J.W. N. White- .B cotton, attorney for defendant. The lH county attorney refused to amend the B complulut nnd took an exception to tho B dismissal. Tho cuso will bo appealed. H In tho case of Herman Snow vs. Robert Bowman tho following jury was .IH Impaneled: Alfred DiuiKley, Geo. B. Montague. Ed. Crcer, Isaac R. Vance, James Uoodall, Niel Gardner, Samuel iB Asliby and H. W. Harnett. An oxcop- ''H Hon to the jury was rnaJc, overruled und exception taken by defendant. : Tho case proceeded to trial this after- JB |