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Show I VHERC DOES ELDREDGE aTAND? Somo prominent Ropubllcnn papers of tho State, notably tho Salt Lake Tribune, Provo Enquirer. Park Record and Mnnil Messenger, have had considerable con-siderable lo say lately In regard to what Mr. Roberts' standing Is on National Na-tional and Statu Issues, but in nil of these papers wc havo so far fulled to find any expression as to the standing of their own candidate. Mr. Roborts has spoken In decided terms, and as lo htm there can now bo uo question. 11 ever there was. Ho stands solidly on tho Chicago platform and for Utah and Utah's Interests. Mr. Eldredge on the contrary has never said on which part or iho hybrid State platform plat-form he expects to stund and how bo expucls to reconcile its Inconsistencies. Tlmo Is growing on apace- and platitudes plati-tudes will not till the bill. Let him come to tho front. Ho Is reported In the Republican journals to bo tho candidate can-didate or the mining camps. If so.wlll bo kindly state whether ho bolleves in tho llnanclal plank of tho St. Louis platform and McKlnley's attitude on the same question, or whether ho stands upon aud will slay by tho 10 to 1 plank of thu Utah State platform. There Is a wldo range of en to tho Republican Re-publican candidate for explanations und ho shou.d loso no tlmo ill commencing com-mencing them If ho expects to finish before tho closo of tho campaign. |