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Show A youno lady is roported to bo keon after the tltlo "Daughter of the Con-feduracj" Con-feduracj" laid down by Mss Wlnulo Davis at her death. Wo doa't soo anything any-thing particularly hnnorubln or desirable desir-able In that tltlo to atiynuo of this generation. To Miss Davis the tltlo came by right. She was born during tho throes of tho Civil War. Her father was practically the fathor of the Confcdoraoy. as he was its head, Thu tltlo, if Hiioh it should bu called, camo therefore to her naturally ami legitimately legiti-mately But isn't t lime those events of 1801-0 were forgotten? If to, why uu attempt to revive a tltlo which, np-pllud np-pllud lo unyono olso, would bo opprobrious? oppro-brious? Lot thu title dio with Its lormer wearer and let all forget tho trials, strlfo and pangs of tho Civil War. |