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Show 825 lo Omaha and Return via 0. S. L. President McICinlcy will visit tho Omalia exposition Octobor 12. Tickets will be on sale at all Short Lino ticket otllccj October 0 nnd 10. All tickets limited to return Ojtnbor 20. Twelve hours tlmo savod botween Utah county points and Omaha via the Orcgou Short Lino and their connections. Pullman Palace sleepers, tourist sleepers, sleep-ers, freo chair cars, dining cars, libra li-bra r) car. In fact, all tho comforts of tho homo may bo enjoyed via this route. You leave Salt Lawo 7 a. in., and yon aro In Omaha next af'crnoon. five o'clock Spcclnl parties aro now bolng orgailzed. Sond In your name or call on your nearest Oregon Short Lino ticket agent. Remember tho round trip fare is only $'4ft via Oregon Short Line, Also havo reduced one way rates to Chicago, St. Louis and all points cast. G. W. CitAta. Agent. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Consult County Clork or Respective Signers fir Further Information. In tho District Court of tho Fourth Judicial DlHtrlct, Utuh County, Utah. l'robalo Division. Divi-sion. In the matter of the ORtaU of WUIIntn J, Iton-h. deceased. NOTIGB.-Tho petition of Wllllnm J. Honch asking that letters ot adnilnUtratlon bo issued to blmsulf hag been Bet for hearing nt 10 o'olovk a.m., Monday, tho 10ll. day or October, 1 80S, nt tho court houso In 1'rovo City, utuh County, State ot Utah. Dated at l'rovo City. Utah. Sept. 28, 1R03. GEO. II AVKKOAMl, Clerk. ny A. V. ItoniBON, Deputy. William Crcer, attorney for petitioner. First publication Sept. S8, IH9S. In tho District Court of tho Fourth Judicial District, Utuh County, Utah. Frobato Division, Divi-sion, In tho matter of the cstatoof Edward Edwards, Ed-wards, deceased. NOTICE. Tho petition of William Edwards asking that letters of administration bo Issued to himself hns been set for hoarlng at lOo'clock a.m., Saturday, tho 8th day of October, 1808. at tho court houso In l'rovo City, Utah County, Statu of Utah. Dutod ut Frovo City. Utah, Sopt. 21. 1898. GEO. I1AVEKOAMF, Clerk. II v A. V, ltouisoN, Deputy. King, Ilurton & King, and G. C. Uagloy, attorneys at-torneys for potltlo er. First publication Sept, 2lj 1898. In tho District Court of tho Fourth Judicial District, Utah County, Utih. Probnto Dlvl In tho matter of tbo estate of Goorgo Mayer, dccnnficd. , NOTICE. Tbo potttion ot Geo. W. Wllklrs asking for tho sale of post ',i of lot 4, block 10, pint A. Spanish Fork City survey, tnd to rescind re-scind fonnor ordor of Mlo of reul 8tatonas been Bet for hearing at 10 o'clock u.m., Satur day, tho X2d day of October. 1898, nt tho court houso In Frovo City, Utnh County, State of UDated at Frovo City, Utah. Oct, 3. 189a GEO. HAVKIIOAMI', Clerk. ny A. V, nonisoN, Deputy. Vm. Greer, attorney for petitioners. First publlcatloL Oct. 5, 1898. In tho District Court of tho Fourth Judicinl District, of tho Btoto of Utah, In and for Utah County. Estate of Edward F, Grnves, docensed. Creditors will presont claims with vouchers to tho undersigned at American Fork, Utuh, on or before January si, I8. Janb J.Ohavks, , Administratrix. OEOIIOB OUNNINOHAM, Administrator, Dutod this 21st day of Septembor, 1W)S. Kin, Ilurton A King, and Grant C. Ilaifley, AHornoyH for Administrators IFImt publication Sept. 21, 189.il Cut and Slash ! Some barbers do; some don't. Wo do all llrst-rlasa totisorlal work ns taught by years of experience, Drop in and glvo us a trial. U. W, SCOTT, Tonsom! Artist r The Only Circus Coming! LEMEN BROTHERS' WORLD'S MONSTER SHOW 3-Ring Circus, 5-Continent Menagerie, Trained j Animal Exhibition, Real Roman Hippodrome, Hip-podrome, Free Horse Show. SURELY COMING AND WILL POSITIVELY EXHIBIT AT PROVO Wednesday, October 12. lit y fe THE MIGHTY BOVALAPUS, Tho rarest, strangest, nwfulcst of all tlio mighty monsters of tho great deep. RAJffl, Tho biggest bruto on earth, n towering giant. The vcr.v lord of beasts. Taller, longer, wolgln more, cost more than any elephant ever capture.!. cap-ture.!. Iilggor than the fumous Jumbo, CAPT. SANTIAGO, HIGH DIVER, The world's highest diver; netnally illngs himself backward from tho highest point ever dived from, LITTLE EDKfA, The clrl wonder. Tho only lady turning forwartl and backward somersaults on a bareback horse. A challenge of $10,000 to any ono who can produce her equal. RA.CINTG STPEIHjTfRS, ! A Great Novelty. IOO Exalted Circus Champions in 150 Supreme Acts. Complete, Largest, Greatest WORLD'S 3XTH3Sr-A.a-ElTFflIEl I KITTIE KRUGER, The only 4 and 0-Iior60 rider In tho world. Wholo droves and hords of animals, Olant Camel, Long Mancd and Tailed Ilorso, ISahy Hippopotamus, Haby.Idons, Serpents and Birds. A crand freo street parade ovory day at 10 o'clock. High dlvo at 10:30 a.m. and 0:ii0 p.m. Excursions on all railroads. All tents water-proof. Doors Open at I and 7 p.m. Performances at 2 and 8 p.m. OUR TEA AUD COFFEE tell tho talo or their goodness in unmistakable un-mistakable language. Thoso who appreciate ap-preciate tho luxury of a good cup of either beverage can gratify tlielr tasto by purchasing our best tea at 40c. nnd our best colToo at 40e. Tlieso aro from tbo choicest selections of the best crops and aro unrivalled for strength nntl dcllcnoy of llavor. your groeory bill will bo ton per cent less if you trade here. GEO. E. HOWE, Grocer. 28 Center St., I'fovo. GEO. W. JONES. Ticket Broker No. 10 West Second South, Salt bako City, and U02 25th St., Ogden, Utah. Will give you -Reduced Rates to all points EAST, WEST, NORTH, SOUTH, Ilaffgaijo checked; berihi secured', new tickets furnished at reduced rates. WHITE FOR RATES. PROVO COMMERCIAL and Savings Bank. J PROVO CITY. UTAH. Capital, $75,000, Snrplns, $10,000, DIKECTOItS: Reed Smoot President. O. h. Looso Vlce-1'resldont. John Jones, James A Bean, Roger Farror, h, S. Hills, John It. Twelves. JOS. T. FARRER, CASHIER, General banking business transacted. Safe deposit boxes for runt. Hotel Wiglitman. Best Accommodations, - 4 Headquarters for Traveling Men. W. I-I. FRANCIS, PROPRIETOR. Payson, - Utah. Provo Meat Go. ALL KINDS OF MEATS. Cash Paid for Fat Lire Stock, 2i Center si., l'rovo, Utah. Ql (m I 16 to 1 Saloon I M M (Opp. Paxmnu hotel.) I I Sam Levy's Famous I I Cigars, and all kinds of 1 'H 1 Liquors always on hand. I H Pureka Saloon. II Headquarters for all travcllinrr and mining men. Nothing H but first.class trade and the best of goods handled. Finest fl brands of Wines and Liquors for family trade. H BAILEY & VIN6ENT. I Center St., PROVO. WM. M. R0YLANCE, J SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. ll PIONEER FRUIT M PRODUCE MERCHANT I OF UTAH COUNTY. IB AGENTS TOIL... Pays Cash . 1 Stndcbafior for choice I Wagons, Etc., A I Bicycles. Btc. . J COMIESPOHDEHCE SOLICITED, Carloafl Ms A SPECIALTY, 1 Proyo Boiler Mills. Jesse Knight & Sons, Prop'ps. l Will Pay CASH for Wheat. .1 ...... ........ -gH Mill opposite Railroad depots. J. T. McEWAN, H Postoffice Box 192. Telephone No. 31. Manager. fll P. O. llox, S5G. Tklbwionk, Ko. Ill, S. W. SHARP, J Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. I FIRST-CLASS HACKS AND CARRIAGES. ' I Special Rates to Commercial Men. H Cor. I and Center Sta. PROVO CITY, UTAH. jfl Smoot Lumber Co. l HEADQUARTERS FOR U Doors, Windows, Lath, ifl mm Mouldings, Shingles, 1 Lumber, etc. I We have the most oomplete Stock south of Salt Lake City. C0JUIESP0NDEN0E SOLICITBD; ' I Box 1 23, Provo City, Utah. fl :9 |