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Show Oranil Central Dividend. Tho rcgti'ar monthly meeting of tho directors of the Grand Central Mining company was held at Iho company's olllcefl 111 Provo yesterday, ill of the directors being present us follows: C. E. Loose, Reed Smoot, L. Holbrook, Geo. Q. Cannon and Win. Hatfield, and Secretary und Treasurer John R. Twolvos. Tho usual divldonU ot $31,-250 $31,-250 was declared payablo October 10. This 1h tho firth dividend declared by this magnificent property, and brings the total payment to date up to $160,-250. $160,-250. During tho meeting tho project of eroding a tramway from tho mine down to tho wagon road to facilitate tho transportation of ores and securing supplies nt the mine was discussed, nnd Secretary Twelves advises us that tho Improvement will probablyjbo tunde. Orders havo been placed with L. O. Trent at Salt Lako for it now ongluo, boiler nnd nil accessories ncccs sary to sink the shaft on tho property to a depth of 200Q reet. Tho now plant will be placed lu position lu a very short time. |