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Show CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. Feh. 13. - The wheat market today opened weak on active selling bv loral and outside longs A shsrp decline wss reported from Liverpool and Northwestern North-western receipts were more libera!. May opened i to c lower at 79V to 79.-. and held for a time within thai range. Prices In the corn market were ess v. an dtradlng moderately a. live Mat-opened Mat-opened 49 'ower at 464 to 46c. and held within that range fnr some time. flats were easier. Trading as not large Mav opened 4 to I- lower at 4'1 to 404c. and held at 40 404Jc. The provisions market wss srtlve. and prices were wesk. notwtthstsndlng a strong market for live h"gs There was a considerable amount of selling. mnsHv In pork. May pork opened unchanged a' $17.75. iJird was unchanged to 5 rents lower at $10.05 and ribs were unchanged to 24c lower, at $9,624 to $9 65. A wheat rally at Liverpool caused a sharp advance here about the middle of the session but later prt es became verv weak. Mav declining to 79'-. and closed at 79A 794C a loss of Titfjc. Corn prices were steady a!I rlav on hii Ing hv commission houses May so.l up to 4Sjc and closed stead.. 4 lower .it 464-346c. ( Cash Whom No. 2 red. 7r; No ' red, 7o'377ic; No. 2 hard. 74'a7Sc. No I :( nai.l. oH4(i.7r, No. 1 Northern. 8307 W; No ; Northern, 817 85c, No. 3 sprlrg. 76 83c. Oats-No. 2. 394,-; No 3. 39,-Corn 39,-Corn No. 2, nothing doing. Nr 3. 47J ' ti 42c. Close: Wheat Mav. 797ic, ,Iu!v. 7 78Ic Corn- Mav. 44t?46'-; Julv. 44f?4i-osts-Mav, 404c; Julv. 3J-. Pork Mav. $14.70; July. $17.50'-j 1; S;j. Lard Mav. $9 974; Julv. $10 00. Ribs Mav. $9 50. July, $9 60. Rye -Cash. 6S4.-Hsrley 6S4.-Hsrley Cash. 5061c. Flax, clover and tlmoihv. nothing d-Itig. |