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Show -.l: . - ' . J nT'F AT 071 TTAin One Door South of 11 U W til ull liliilU . Henderson's Grocery .ij-,1 . . ,ii i' The . gratifying " part of , BnUE-H L- S moYing.No decrease in biisi- A Ariother satisfactory' fact: TrlSi w?jMa. The new store is more com-. com-. i . , ,, i ' modioli s. And still another: , Increased facilities, better displays, dis-plays, larger stock, more help. ' It has always been our aim to conduct a first-class store our immense trade proves that our efforts have not been in vain.. ' The way we hold trade, the way it grows, proves that a high-class drug store is appreciated. 'J Pure French Castile Soap a Special Feature. It la our own importation. Another shlpmenthas just retched na. It 1 tha finest quality of Caatil Boap obtainable. It meets erary requirement demanded of fine, pura castue. 50 eenta the bar. I i SoM:i with ;a .writiwi ; guarantee to -refund the full amount paid for them' at the expiration of . three years, which means you can wear Dhsond3 Three Years for Nothing. .Reference: Walker Bros., Bankers. I. SIEGEL, ' JZWSLSS A1TD DIAMOND ' 175 So. Main. The Popular Price Jewelry Htfuee. ' W: Attractive Specials in trie W pgt Art Section 2w . Stamped wood for pyrographic purposes ffr- is seldom reduced in price. One of the new-" ffut Wl est ideas is match safes stamped with cute W liSfj little Dutch figures, sun bonnet babies, W J l18'6 heads' Reular 25 cents for jof yjV7 5-cent'Danels, two for 5c. m JL ew showing of handsome glovp and '"SC handkerchief boxes ready for burning. Er Ht Beautiful pictures in imitation of oil paintings, with glass and frame stamped .".'Sf for burning is one -.of the 'new pyrographic Vini features. Regular 50. cents for 40c. ' fM All hand-made lace and center pieces and ifS-l my doUies at HALF PRICES. VM WljV Many other interesting features. WW Look over our telephone tele-phone directory care- Union Dental Co. 21 South Main. Honest WorK. Honest Prices. PalnltM extraction of Teeth or no pay. All Work Positively Guaranteed. 'Phone. Bll. 112S-X; Ind.. 112S. fully. Possibly you are not aware of how much business you can do by telephone how many people you can reach andreach QUICKLY. But you MUST have this sign. EXCURSION TO MEXICO CITY February 15th. ROUND TRIP FARE, - - - - $64.40 Through sleeper. Choice of Routes. Party will be personally conducted. Lowest rate ever offered. A Grand "Winter Tour through the South into the heart of Mexico. EVERYBODY INVITED. See any D. & R. G. Agent for particulars. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure anv case of Itching Blind, Bleeding Bleed-ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 dsys or money refunded. 50c. Drunkenness Cured A positive iul per- drunkenness sjid fa j asiTSs iLfl Srua" addictions. rB w T 1 U Branch Parent I EjSt!!7wT House. D wight. 111. I TITrf jHfa fl orrespondsncs coa- gfi?ljrV'Vj) K E E LEY INSTITUTE; S3 W. S. Temple St. Salt Lak City, Utah. Stock certificates and seals, Kelly k Co. Hare yon anything to sell? Try Telegram want r,aL" It eoata only 10 cents. fS DOCTORS WHO CURE V O CATJlRRH and !1 enrmb! chronic di of th jk Tul ,2 Kr . Noie, Throat. Svomaeli, Llr. Kidasrt, BU4dr rV i? ai Bowtls. Ilsert Diimm, Skin Dm, Dufiui, Tlu. f fJ . Chorea, Rhttmua. Piles. Ruptor. Lett Manhood. Varl- sjL eocels, Ooooirhoas, Syphilis. Proautie TroubUi, od all vTjfw Chronic Nerroni nd VrlTt D-.ieatei of Mn, Woma children II a Croetoi'Dt or 116 fvr a oar for Ca- trw ' tarrhal Di , $5 a mooih ; nedieine fr for all Jf chronic diieaaea. I CONSULTATION FREE Dr 8hori' Fto Department for the quick cor of ail Eye Dueaiea and for the ' proper fitting of glaaaei ia unajoelled. beinf in charge of a Speeialut on lh Zj of 27 jeera' steading. Consultation and Adrie Free. A Special Department for Men. Dra. Shorei hae a 8pecial Department exe!uttl7 for the trratTcent and care of all Private Diieaaea of Men. whether canted bj ignorance, exctetea or contagion. Young men who hare been led at'.ray by bad companions m;dJ aged men who I haTa gone to excesses old mm who find lh:r sexual Tigor gon ur.f irtuaates whj I haea contracted diseases the victims of Elo.id Prison- and a.l then who need the I counsel and aid of experienced and kmd!jr phicin, are cordis:: invited to consult I this department and be advised FREE OF CllAKQE I So sure is the --ure under DR8 SHORTS' MODERN METHODS in aM Private I Disease, that vou mt; arrange to par the fee for a cure in sree'.'. weck!j or monthly B installments as the cure progresses, or vou r.e' PAY WHEN t'KZD PR3. SHORES Don't advertise "rates" fr aav fsj'T " "tingle ailment" and then charge you ten tims s much as the amount advertised because the cut is "i-on-pli- J cated." Drs. Shoraa leave that to the "Fake N!.i;cal V 1 Institutes." Drs Chores guarantee that one fee pays C 1 for ALL your ailments if they treat your case and that I the fee for a CURE will he cheaper than you can be ( " cured for elaewfaere. Drs Shores a. so furnish your med y fi!S J leines FREE there is no "hold tip" for "Medicinee" Mr-s ik- after you have arranged the fee Quicks and Fak:r resort J & JjLj. to such tricks to rob the unwary but Legitimate 8pe- - delists abhor and denooiiee them 4 iTS wJ' Beware ef any fakir who hides behind a "fake Medi ZtS- cal Inalitute" because he dare not advertise ur.dcr h:s owa name There muat be a reaaon for it rTkf Home Treat an I Curse. Write for Free Symptom List t. w w aaoas. I If yon eannot call Consultation free ' M OTFICE EOCRS: 9 a. m. to 5pm., Evenings, 7 to ; Su-dsvs snd holidays 10 1 s. a. to 12. I Drs. Shores & Shores. Expert Specialists, 249 !u l.'cify' utah I A puny child is always an anxiety to the parents. There seems fenerally no reason why the little one should be weak when it It so well fed. But the fact Is that It does not matter how much food the child takes If the stomach cannot extract the nourishment from It. No benefit can be derived from Just eatlnr. That Is tt condition of many a sickly child. The stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition are not dolne; their work, and the body is really starving;. It Is little use to five fish foods, like cod liver oil or emulsions. In such a case, because these also have to be digested. Strength is what the stomach needs. Dr. Pierce's Golden' Medioal Discovery strengthens the stomach, nourishes the nerves and Increases the action of the blood -malting glands. It is superior to every other pre- paratlon for children's use. on account of Its body-bulldlng qualities, and also be-catrse be-catrse It la pleasant to the taste and contains con-tains no alcohol. The virtues of native medicinal roots are extracted and their value enhanced by the use of trlple-re-flned glycerine, which of Itself is a moet valuable nutritive and promoter of dl- frestion- Send to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffa-o. Buffa-o. N. Y-. for free booklet. THE BIST ! r,lAGA2JEQ ! AT BARGAIN PRICES ; Any magasina, no matter where published, pub-lished, can be. subscribed for through us at special wholesale rates. Wi offer this service to get mora readers familiar with THE READER and THE HOME MAGAZINE. To pay you for jour interest and patronage, patron-age, we offer you an actual cash saving on all tnagaainea that you want. Here are tha most prominent and popular periodicals at bargain prices. You can get for your home three magailnee for the usual price of one. If you don't find what you want in these, offers send for our complete catalogue. IT 13 FREE. Rf Jm Pn. Per Yeas Amrieri Mig. $1,00 1 Woman'g Hm Companion . 1.00 $3.00 Rttdor Masazint 3.00 rr aji Total . $5.00 J Cosmopolitan . $1.00 OurPrUs Homt Mastxlna 1-00 CO flfl Harpar'a Baiar 1.00 f Total . $3.00 j Tha Central Magazine Agency (The Bobte-.Memii Company) laelsnssella laaMaae "Dinner's Coming I Smell It" Doe Your Stomach Feel Happy When Meal-Tims Comes? When you sniffle in the air the appe tiring aroma of something cooking, do you feel that you could sit down, open your mouth, pin back your ears and eat with a delicious gusto, everything set before you. and not feel any bad effects from itt In other words, can your poor stomach stom-ach take care of everythlngnd anything any-thing you put into itf There are thou- ' sands and thousands of people who do not know what it in to have a good, strong, healthy stomach, nor do they ; realize what it is to have a good appetite. appe-tite. You can have an all-powerful stomach and a fetching appetite for every meal, and every day, if you give your stomach stom-ach a rest, and let something else take hold of your food for you and digest it as it comes into the stomach, something that is harinlc hut that really does the work of digesting, quickly and thi-roughlv. thi-roughlv. This " something " is Ptuart 's Dvspep-sia Dvspep-sia Tablets, the most effective little tartlets tart-lets in the world for curing anything that mav be wrong with your stomach. One ingredient of these precious little workers digests 3(100 grains of the coarsest or richest food put into the stomach. Think of it. 3000 grains! They are really an artificial stomach, because they digest your food, just as though you didn't have a stomach at all. It supplies the stomach with the digestive juices which have become weak and scanty. Then your indigestion, dyspepsia, sour risings, brash, belehings, acidily, f ermentatioDS, loss of sppetite, aversion to food, bloaty feeling, heartburn and nausea, will be no more. You can then eat anything you want, all you want, whenever you want, and your stomach will feel fine before and after vour meals. Your appetite will be a thing of pleasure to have, your meals will be a real pleasure to eat and relish, and your digestion will be thorough and soothing to the whole body. Yon can't do your work well, or be cheerful, or have energy or vim or ambition, am-bition, when your stomach is bad. Make yourself feel good after a hearty meal, feel good all over, clear your mind and make yon enpoy life, by taking Stuart's Stu-art's Dyspepsia "Tablets. Give your stomach a rest, so it can right itself, then you need fear nothing. Bend us your name and address today and get a free sample package of Stuart's Stu-art's Dyspepsia Tablets by return mail After you hava tried the sample, tou will be se thoronghlj convinced of what they eaa do for you that you will go to the nearest drnfgiat and get a 60e box ef them. 8ead your tuna tad address today and ws will st anee tend you by mail a sample packsgs free. Address T. A. Stuart Co, el. Stuart BllX-, Marshall, MIeW" , . . !: .-a .-T We don't know Just how long this spring weather is going to last, but we do know that you ought to be looking around for jour spring clothes. Hart SchafFncr 6c Marx styles arc now being shown. May we show you? J7i J , - THE CTROFOU TAN MAGAZINE I Aggressive fAzme of 1QOJ OUT T O - D AY I THE FEBRUARY NUMBER I The S"ar8 of War I With Secretary Root in Brazil The War of thb Sexes The News of the World Condensed 4 ARTICLES, 8 STORIES, 5 POEMS ; The Metropolitan publishes every month the strong set American article I . and the bat fiction X. X. At all Newsdealers |