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Show RAISE BARS ON SOME FOREIGNERS Proposed Amendment to Bill Excludes Foreigners Whose Entry Is Detri mental to Labor. WASHINGTON", Feb. 13. Exclusion of foreigners who use their passports to secure admission to tha United State to the detriment of labor conditions in this country is provided for by an amendemnt to the Immigration bill, agreed upon by conferees of the Senate Sen-ate and House today, and reported to Congress. The smendment is the result of the demand from the Pacific coast States for the exclusion of Japanese coolies, and it is understood that it will aid in i securing an undertaanding between the i administration and the San Franciaco 1 delegation now in Washington con- e f erring with President Roosevelt. The n provision agTeed upon is as follows: t "That whenever the President shall d be satisfied that passports issued by t any foreign government to its citizens to go to any country other than the United States or to any insular posses-t posses-t sion of the United States, or to the ca- C nal rone, are being used for the purpose d of enabling the holders to come to the li continental territory of the United f States, to the detriment of labor condi- l tions therein, the President may refuse I to permit such immigrsnts of the conns' conn-s' try issuing suen passports to enter the a continental territory of the United -a States from such other country or from 8 such insular possessions or from the ca- nal tone." i The conference between Mayor B Sehmitz and his associates from Han Francisco on the Japanese school ques- C tion will be held at 4 o'clock this af- II ternoon, instead of 2:45, as previously t announced. This morning the Presi-t Presi-t dent had a conference with Secretary Root, presumably on the subject, and 1 also with Commissioner Sargent of the t immigration bureau, who recently ma'le t a thorough investigation- of Japanese S immigration into Hawaii. |