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Show . Ascot Park Entries for Monday. First race, selling, five snd a half furlongs fur-longs Prlncemont 116 El Varraco .......109 Dusky Secret .....102 Tlzen ..101 July Gyp 12 Carlisle 100 The Miller ;111 Lauretta Phillips. 97 Cfiien Ij 111 Patsy Brown ....97 Lady Rice ....... ..lllCount Rudolph ... 97 Golden Ivy ....... Ill Second race. Belling, five furlongs Tyrollan .... i...'.110Llght of Day 92 Retador 104 Useful Lady lOe Tim Hurst ., WSHersam. f-2 Cotillon .... ...... .lOlLedy Minora 92 Lou Marrell 97 Third race, selling, mile and seventy yards . "Diamante .... ....107 Penzance .... .....100 Emperor of India. 10C Jingler 100 Chub w lOJBlissful .... ....... f9" Heather Honey .l.lti Erlcula ; 91 Fourth race, puree, Slatison eourse Judge Denton ....U2Golden Boy .......100 Tim Payne J';7Bath Beach 100 Sals ....... ' .lOOFunnyslde ..100 Couple Tim Payne and Sals. Fifth race,- selling, six furlongs . Dan Collins Ill Golden Light 102 Birdie Stone il7Durbar , 102 Tarn O'Shanter ...107 Dorics 101 Clcverton .... .'....10 Conger 97 Dollie Weithoff ..102Macgyle .....101 Sixth race, selling. mile-Dug mile-Dug Martin 112 Erne 99 Dr. Blrdaall ilOSBlue Ridge 99 Llberto ...Y-.. ...lf3Exapo 99 Canejo :VH Helgerson .... i... 95 Landseer ;.102Mr. Dade 90 Phys , lOOBabow M Anlrad ..." -.lOOMcKee 100 |