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Show ' J f r -v - 4 1.. Vi. i. ' 4 i. i --.--, ' - t - ' 7 ' , " 7 ' O University Team Is Crr::!::! 01CCD and- Accepts Date With Holmes' ScutLer: California Eleven. Harvey Holmes, coach of the Unlver-t'ty Unlver-t'ty of Southern California. ha raised Hs ante. A week ago he o"ered th U. cf U. football team $500 for a game to be played In Lc-9 Angeleg New Tear'r fiay. His offer was not accepted, and then he wired that he would guarantee 11000 for the game. The U. of U. man-agement man-agement Immediately determined to ac- cept the fter. and the team went Into training Monday. The men are all in good ehape. and two weeks' work will put them on edge for the game. The team of the University of California Califor-nia is regarded as a strong one, and made a godo record during the season, losing toi Stanford only. Holmeo is the coach, and this will rot tend to make things more amicable. Holmes 1 directly direct-ly to blame for the only defeat that the U. of Uv team suffered this year, as he scheduled the game with Boulder early in the seEon, before the team was In anything like the shape It afterwards developed. Then, too. Holmes never got along with . the other offlciala The game will be . a feature bf the Fiesta at Los Angeles and an immense crowd is expected. The Utah boys are all greatly pleaded to be able to make the trip, aa they have been out of the i State but "once this year. - |