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Show Grand Jury Investigating-. CLEVELAND. O.. Dec. IS. The grand Jury of Cuyahoga county commenced com-menced today an Investigation into the affairs of Mrs. Cassie L. Chadwick. It is probable that the inquiry will last throughout the day, and even possible that no vote will be taken on the evidence evi-dence before tomorrow. County Prosecutor Prose-cutor Keeler was confident, however, that an indictment would be voted before be-fore night. Mrs. Chadwick appears to have entirely en-tirely recovered from the severe attacks at-tacks of nervousness which attended ber first few hours in the Tombs and apprehension of a collapse is no longer entertained by the prison physician. Speculation as to whether Andrew Carnegie would be called to testify was heightened by the remarkable disclosures disclo-sures made by Treasurer Iri Reynolds of the Wade Park bank of Cleveland. The charge against Mrs. Chadwick is that she signed a check for $12,500 when she had no funds in the Oberlin, O., bank, and then procured a certification of the check by the two bank officials under arrest at Oberlin. The authorities authori-ties in attempting to put Mr. Carnegie on the stand argue, however, that the bonk officials certified the check because be-cause of the various "Carnegie notes." about which they had heard so much and some of which they had seen. Therefore it is claimed Mr. Carnegie's testimony Is not irrelevant. Another important move in the Chadwick Chad-wick case today was a hurried conference confer-ence of her counsel with Lawyer George Ryall. representing Banker Newton of Brookllne, Mass., and Mrs. Chadwick, at the Tombs. Mrs. Chadwick had previously pre-viously received what was believed to be a cablegram from her husband in Europe. At the conclusion of the conference con-ference Mr. Ryall said he again had hopes that Mr. Newton's claim would be paid. |