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Show f IS EXCITED NEW TORK. Dec 12. Pricea' of this morning gave no intimation of the disturbed dis-turbed tone with which the stock market opened here. The trouble again centered In Amalgamated Copper which ran off rapidly 4 points. There were 20.000 shares bf United States Steel unloaded at 80 and 29 simultaneously, compared with 80 on Saturday. St Paul showed a decline of a point on the first sale and dropped another an-other point on. the succeeding sale. Colorado Fuel and Sugar were down 1"4 and there were declines of 1 to 1 in Reading. Atchison, Brie, B. & O., Pennsylvania. Penn-sylvania. Union Pacific. Southern Pacific, United States Steel preferred and Leather. There were feverish rallies after price had fallen lower than the opening, extending extend-ing to i point or more in Amalgamated Copper, Tennessee Coal, Missouri Pacific and Reading. There were renewed breaks in other stocks and before U o'clock there had been losses of I in United States Steel, Smelting and Southern Pacific;' 8 in United States Steel preferred: 4 in Brooklyn Brook-lyn Transit. 4 In Colorado Fuel, 4 In Consolidated Oas. 8 In Tennessee Coal, 8 in St. Paul. 3 in St Louis, Southwestern South-western preferred, 3 in Reading. 2 in Union Pacific, t in Sugar and over 2 in Louisville & Nashville, Paclflo Mail and Erie first preferred. Amalgamated Copper Cop-per fell to 65. The average level of prices was 10 to 12 points lower than on Saturday's Satur-day's closing. Prices were breaking badly at U o'clock. With a pause In liquidation came a rebound re-bound in prices, but the demand immediately imme-diately subsided at the recovered level and the activity diminished to dullness with a nervous tone. On the break Pacific Mall and Minneapolis, St Paul & Sault Ste. Marie lost 3. Metropolitan Street Railway Rail-way 8 People's Gas 2Ai and many additional addi-tional stocks 2 to 2. The rally reached in Sugar 3 fater its 6 break. United States Steel preferred 2. Colorado Fuel, . Tennessee Coal and Brooklyn Transit 2, Amalgamated Copper 2, Reading and Norfolk Nor-folk & Western 1. More than a dozen prominent stocks besides rallied 1 to 1ft. Bonds were weak at noon. Further assaults were made on the market mar-ket and although prices yielded to within fractional distance of the; early low point and went below in some cases the decline was not so precipitate as in the first hour. Amalgamated Copper broke again to 63 and United States Steel, Pennsylvania, Reading. Atchison, Canadian Pacific, Rock Island, Erie, Chesapeake & Ohio. New Jersey Central, L. & N.. Tennessee Coal and Leather sold lower than before. The decline in United States Steel reached 3 points and In Louisville 3. Prices gave way again violently, ' the pressure to sell increasing as the languor of the buying demand was perceived. A late hreak carried Amalgamated Copper down 8 below Saturday, Colorado Fuel 6, St. Paul 64 and a large number of stocks between S and 8 DOints. There were some fitful rallies before the end of the hour. St. Louis Wool. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 12. Wool Steady. Territory and Western mediums, 21622c; fine medium, 1618c; fine, 16&17c. Chicago Grain. CHICAGO. Dec. 12. May wheat opened to e lower at $1.09 to $1.10 and declined de-clined to $1.09VS109. On active covering by shorts May advanced ad-vanced to $1.10&1.10. Later the market mar-ket again became weak. May closing with a net loss of mtflc. at $1.09tyS1.09. Close: Wheat December, $1.06; May, $1.08eH.09; July. 98Hc Corn December. Decem-ber. 47Sc; January. 42Sc; Mav, 44c; July, 44e. Oats December, 2⪼ May, 30c; July. 30c. Pork December, $11.07: January. $12.32igl2.35: May, $12.65. Iard December. $6.77; January, $6.82; May, $7.05. Ribs January, $5.42i6.46; May, $6.67: July. $6.80. Rye December. 75c. Flax Cash, Northwest. $1.24. Clover December, $12.50. Timothy December, $2.70. Barley Cash, SSfiolc. Cash: Corn No. 2. 47'S47e: No. . 42 g12c. Oats No. 2. 29M,c; No. 3, 29c. " Liverool Wheat. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 12. -Close: "Wheat-March "Wheat-March 7s 3d; May 7s 3d. Seduction in Sugar. NEW TORK. Dec. 12. The following reduction in refined sugar was made today: to-day: No. 13, 5 cents and No. 14 10 cents a hundred pounds. New York Produce. NEW YORK. Dec. 12. Butter-Steady; street price, extra creamer'. ZlWliyia. Official prices: Creamery, common to extra, ex-tra, 17(&27c: creamery held to common to extra, 19'324c; State dairy, common to extra. 15Ji25c; renovated common to extra. 13S20c ; Western factory, common to choice, 13fil7c; Western imitation creamery cream-ery to common to choice, lftHftJOc. Cheese Quiet and firm. Eggs Steady; Western, finest selected. 32c. "Kansas City Cattle. KANSA8 CITY, Dec. 12. Cattle Re-celpts, Re-celpts, 9000; steady to strong. Native steers. $3.50'g16.5O; native cows and heifers, $L75(Jj6.00; mockers and feeders. $2.fc&4.15; bulls, $2.00134.00: calves. $3.00.25; Wentern steere. $3.006.00; Western cows. $L753 60. Hogs Receipts, 6000; market. 6-glOo higher, active.' Bulk of sales, $4.35(4.60; heavy, $4.?4.70: packers, $4.40QH.70; pigs and light. $3.854.50. Sheep Receipts, 3000; steady. Muttons, $4.0O6.26; lambs, $4.6ya.00; range wethers, $4.00(&4.75; ewes, $2.5034.25. New York Sugar. NEW TORK. Dec. 12. Sugar Raw. firm; fair refining, 4Sc: centrifugal. .W-test, .W-test, 4c; molasses sugar, 4c. Refined, firm; crushed. $5.35; powdered. $5.76; granulated, $5.65. Coffee Firm; No. 7, 8o. Chicago Cattle. CHICAGO, Deo. 12. Cattle Receipts, 30.000; Western, steady. Good to prime steers, $6.0037.20; poor to medium, $3.60 6.80, stockers and feeders. $2.20S4.10; cows. $1.40'34.00; heifers, $2.O0fi6.C0; canners. $1.35 m.Q; bulls, $2.004.10; calves, $3.5037.00; Western eteers, $3.304.85. Hogs Receipts today, 85,000; tomorrow, 32,000; left over 10c higher. Mixed and butchers. $4.4634.60; good to choice heavy, i $4.6014.60; rough heavy, $4.8504.16; light, J4.4O34.50; hulk of sales. $4.604.55. Sheep Receipts, 25.000 sheep and lambs strong. Good to choice wethers, $4 vg.26; fair to choice .mixed, $3. 604.40; Western sheep, $3.SOy6.00; native lambs, $4.75Q6.60; Western lambs, $6.004 35. Omaha Cattle. SOUTH OMAHA Dec. 12.-Cattle Receipts. Re-ceipts. 8500; market, steadv. Native steers. $3.50(86.26; cows and heifers. $2.50ft4.10; Weotem steers, $3.004.76: Texas steers, $2.763.75: range cows and heifers. $2.40 $.60; canners, $L75i2.40: stockers and feeders, feed-ers, $2.60g4. 00; calves, $3.0033.50; bulls, atags, etc., $2.004.00. Hogs Receipts, 3000; market 6c higher. Heavy, $4.fXgH.45; mixed. $4.404.42: light, $4.42'g4 60; pigs, $4.0004.45; bulk of sales. $4.40)4.45. Sheep Receipts, 2000; market 10c higher. Westerns, $4.5OS6.10: wethers, $4.3604.80: ewes, $4.004.&O; common and stockers, $2.6034.40; lambs, $6.0O$6.25. - Verdict for Defendants. Under Instructions of the court the Jury in the case of W. E. Johnson and the Bank of Commerce against C. Frank Emery, which has -been on trial before Judge Morse for the past week, returned re-turned a verdict in favor" of the defendant defend-ant Monday. The action was brought to recover $5000, with interest, for goods alleged to have been Illegally taken from the Ford hotel on February 25. |