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Show Metal Market ' Fore-ign allver , ne,c 1 Coptier. ape IS"-, M4e I lewl (Naw York) M.IO'ft .tA ftpelter ItMt hu Louis) aw.73feg.aa ! Hlver (In London) Uad j TELEPHONE BOND LISTIjNGS LARGE Increase of $165,939,000 Between Be-tween July 30, 1914, and January 1 of This Year NEW YORK, 8apt. J2 Telephone and telegraph bonds listed on New York stoik exchange January 1. l;i. totaled 1S3V-tioo.AOO 1S3V-tioo.AOO par value, against S371.r,1.000 July SO. 1114. an Increase of SHI. 111. 000. Nura erlral Increase Is only ft. from II to 14. Honda bearing I per cent, I par cant and 7 par cant account for moat of tha large listings, though ft per cent laagas show gieateat Individual amount at ll bl.7ftn.V0t as of January 1. 1922. an Increase of 44' ono over July So. 1H4. In 1114 there ware no bonds Hated bear- Ins; g per cant or mors. Cor jorattons requiring re-quiring funds to arqulre "f Improve prop arty, finance anenaions and rsfund maturing matur-ing obligations during hlgn money period had to pay tha higher rates. fiuh flotations, flota-tions, however, have now all rieen above par. reflecting the gradual eaalng of money. . V Te.-ihon companlea. aa a whole, hava 4 alwaya enjoyed high credit rat inn and the rrae f their aerurHiee to correepond with pii-aent money ratea haa caused little aur-prlae. aur-prlae. N. w Tork Telephone and Telegraph S60.- 000 nnQ twenty-year m, 1941. the largest Individual Issue bearing higher than ft par cent, were offered In November. 1131, at ti. to yield 1 II par cent. They are now selling around 104. to yield about ft 10 per cent to maturity. Although bond a carrying I per cent coupon at III lead In amount, the number of taxui-a has declined from eleven to ten. Tha only classes showing numerics 1 Increase alnca July SO. lf-14. were the 1 per rent Issues, of Whleh tlire are threa outstanding, against rona In 1I4; per cant issues, of which there la one. against none In 1914, and T per cent issues, of whlrh there are two. against none In 1114. Tha number of 4 per i-ent and 4 per cent l"auea rmln three and five, respectively, thourh the par vslue nf the former bas dscreaaed 1.9!.n0 to m sie. no and of lha latter SM31,Q0Q to SlM.311 Oftft. Tha following table eh owe lbs par value (last three ficuraa omUtedl of each clasa af telephone and telegraph bnnda. by Inter-aat Inter-aat rate. Hated on Naw Vork Block eh an a January 1. 1922. compared with July 10. 1114. Interest 7"u" Rata Luted V C 192? 11 Changes '2i 14 4 .! :i S 12 rec..ftl l s. s 4 . 7I.SM 1M.S! l-c n,0il a ft 113 7 124.141 Inc... 41 447 10 11 1 10 IM Inc.. .I0.lt S . . ' lft Inc.. 11,000 1 .. t . ! fti.io inc.. ft4.ij0 2 Total 111.400 S71.K1 Inc. .. 141.131 24 It Wholesale Dairy Produce fOuotatlon by Mutual Creamery Company f Case Lots, rreah aitra eras me ry butter In pound ruhea - 1 Frean etra creamer- butter la rertcna - V" Freh aitra creamery butter, parch- ment printa J ' ' ,' Freah firau creamery buttea In Fra nVVa Vraamarr" butter, parch- ment printa Cfioklng buiter In eubeg ."'" Selected fresh egg! A Ranch eggs ,., Full eresm cheese. Irlplatg loll cream che.e. y..ung Amerleaa -;J Kill rre.m chee. ft lb. .aqtiarea . 24 miock wlag fheeae Cream brlk cheese (HtCAt.O OKNERtr. MARKET. CH UAO' Sept. :: lltilter- Higher: ere.m.ry e.tra-. Vie: fr-'- iiSftr: estra rrsta? 1T4S40. . seconds. 3ia,13t. s-a..ds..a. ll" "gge-lllrher: rec-lpte. 3ft4ft ceaes f.rsta it" Sir: oidmary first.. SJ.2lr; ,' oU 3Ttr:e. refriger.tor firsia 2ft nc Aoitr--A.Ie. i!a7)tUr sDitnge. !0r; trooeteis. UHc. I J.'SiWaS aa h.f Serft. dull on , a.Mj i"iie rr a.nd l.nrt r7. MinnMota and Pas',!, aac.ro Oblus 11.111" " " iixxr.ri.i wrkti4. No. 1. "" Astetsment Noticet m l.S. IV t. I 1- II |