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Show ! SALVATION ARMY TO SOLICIT FINANCIAL AID Ot!IE.V. Sept. 22 The Salvation Army will launch a drive In Or den at oiirn in- an attempt to raise $2000 to be used tar complrle the furnlehlng af the working-men working-men s hotel, for th entabllahment of a temporary Induitrlal department to supply sup-ply nnn with work when they are in need, to etail!si. a tem,Krary relief department de-partment for widows with families. alve ami children of men who are aerving prison aentencea, and to liquidate a d-bt which has been Incurred In the general work of the loc Solvation Army. Rev. Sidney lxve of Fort Worth, Tea., has been aeitt from the dlvialonttl head)uar- tern of Halt 1-ake. to take charge of tha drlva. |