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Show U THE WHOLC 1 fl i FAMILY" B i n $ 0 j .Jl'-j Copyright 19:: Hart Schaffnei & Marx Dress better this Ml It pays I 1 1 Trt Acrfiocc in xnrtnl life. 1 all VMWIVVV wwww-- -rw- good clothes count for a j great deal. You'll find them here nothing but . good clothes in the latest fall styles. Two Trouser Suits v Fine fabrics Men's and Young ZJT Silk Lined I Men's Suits QpToJ' Suits I $3S $50 1 Arthur Frank S Hart Schaffher StMarx Clothes Shop j 210 SOUTH MAIN I rjt 5210 People -71 Bought Groceries at r Wf Piggly-Wiggly W,::HlnTOw Stores in Salt Lake City Last Saturday. Figwinf 10c for each delivery, which i-oremmenl (Ututica show is tb actual cost, there wa a Sarin on Delirary last Saturday alone of $521.90 to PIGGLY WIGGLY Patrons. rV" ? tt$521.80 ta-eti in delrrery expense in one day at PIGGLY WIGGLY Store, fat Salt Laka City. . Add to this mm an equal amount saved on extra cleric hire and UNNECESSARY SER- IVICE OF OTHER KINDS, beside the difference in the cost of Merchandise on account of li!l.,,J5?,?i,c51,ti" by PIGGLY WIGGLY, then it i easy to understand why PIGGLY WIGGLY prices are lower. C.?ilPXR PRICES DO NOT BE MISLED by a few Saturday advertued "SPECIALS" r "BAITS." Bring your complete list to PIGGLY WIGGLY and become one of the many thousand who are daily saving by buying at PIGGLY WIGGLY Stores, and DON'T forret the prices are just the same nest week. PIGGLY WIGGLY always gives more QUALITY FOOD for the money than elsewhere. c. n SUGAR RAISINS WESSON OIL Mne Beet Sugar for presfrvme. Raisins contain iron and A wonderful food value can s,cju S7.4S vitamin, very essential to one's be used in baking or making B 10 lbs h1irt. salads and the results are most K FLOUR Del Mon,C iS-o. package. jrratifyinjr. U Pride of Leland HiRh Patent Seeded. 17 Seedless. 17 Hints. . 23t Quarts... 52 made from selected wheat GINGER ALE J5-s;aI.fX.0O Gallon. $1.92 fl I of we nincst graJe. Refreshing healthful drink for BUTTER I Sack. 48 lbs ..$1.35 summer or winter. I Sunset Cold, always the I 3 sacks (2.65 Clicquot Club 19 same, and the taste is just a 9 We guarantee every sack to CRISCO li,tlc swlr and richer. R jrjve entire satisfaction. ,.,b 24 Jib 72 pcr Punl 48 H CANNED CORN 6-lb." 7.7 . 7. '.91.42 Ulah's Bcst 7 I lowana Sweet ...... 12 cmnumBi- PANCAKE FLOUR B Country Gentleman ....15 . 1h ih aa Alber's Hapjack ..16 B Batavia 22 ! ","n "i'i Aunt ,'mi'na, 16 B Flajt Golden Bantam. .. .25 ','1D-8-1D. . . .SX.ea pmsbury's 16 PORK and BEANS . SARDINES CLEANERS Van Camp's. No. 1 S Domestic, per can 5 Old Dutch 9 No. 2. .14 No. 2'..23 Mustard, size 11 Lighthouse 6 Campbell's, 20-oz. ...12V. er n Jf Mb 12. CANNED SOUPS Vf rluu 'A' ' ' 'lit TOILET SOAPS Campbell's 10 T1' UuD- ' Tropical Malm is a hirh Van Camp's Tomato S BREAKFAST FOODS prade soap made from vere. Pierce's Tomato St Shredded Wheat .......11 table oils obtained in the trop- CANNED SPAGHETTI faffed Rice ..17ics.' Usually sold for ioc. Franco American, No. 2.12 Puffi:d Wh' 3 ur rr'-e. per bar 5 I Delicia, No. 1 8 Pos Toasties 9 10 bars 4Se Van Camp's, No. 1 10? Kello's Com Hakes.... 9 v LYE ASPARAGUS TIPS Ke"0K' Bran 20 Red Seal 13 Llbby's Tiny Green, No. 1.36 CANNED MILK I Del Monte, small. ..... .18 Libby's, baby.4i Tall. 9 Sapon,fJLrrtV "A; ,X2 TABLE SYRUP Borden's, baby. 4V, Tall. 9 SHOE POLISH Pierce's Cane and Maple, aKle Brand, always fresh.20 f ; '"' v-v v Pints.. 20 Quarts.. 39 HONEY Gilt Ed'ee" ' ' .7 7 ' ' ' ' '23 Lojr Cabin, small. 25 Honey season is here and the FURNITURE poi liu Medium.. 48 Larte.. 95 price is very reasonable. OCdar 4-oz M SALAD DRESSING Luneta, S-oz. glass 10 O'Cedar! 12-oz7! 42 fem'.r 38 Mason, quarts 48 Liquid Veneer. 4-oz. !!.7l8 Van Camp's, medium... 24 5-lb. can 69 ij-oz .. 32 Gibson's. 7 y,-oz 29 CHOW CHOW SILVER POLISH" R Porter's 1000 Island. . . .35 Crosse & Blackwell 86 Wright's Silver Cream.. 24 f. 1055 Est f 1 iJ '(i '',( 1055 Est j 21st So. L I 21st So. GIBSON COFFEE "A Perfect Cup" U I , : . , Sehramra-Jennsen, Drugs. |