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Show solution for the problem of the poet-war poet-war surplus women In the Rrltlah Ulea ( and thousands ot British vofn.n will be (lad to coins if given the opportunity." BRITISH WOMEN FIND HUSBANDS in pda- OTTAWA, Ont.. Sept. 21. Waetern Canada baa become a vaat Gretna Green where woman from tha Br it tab lalea find huabande and the Canadian grove rn men t In the role of Cupid enalneera toe romance. ro-mance. In the tw years endinr April 1, 2.401 women have come from Grea.t Britain Brit-ain to Canada, most of them being Hated aa "unacoompanled women." Within, a year after their arrival. It la ee time led 40 per cent bave been married. Out of 700 letters received by tba women's division divi-sion of the department of Immigration at Ottawa, from fflrla recently arrived tn Canada, forty Jet t era announced the aoar-i i rlace of the wrltera. Miaa Mary V. li urn ham la chief of the women's bureau of the department of Immigration and under her direction, lecturers lec-turers in the British lalea are constantly telllna of the many poattlone, especially In domestic service, that await irle In Canaila Tha Urlll.k aeirlai aKn amiaipara are chaperoned throughout their trans-Atlantlc trans-Atlantlc voyage. The provincial governments govern-ments In some cases pay their psssegs snd the girls repay the money on easy terms after they have been placed in employment. em-ployment. The demand for women for domestic service in Cenada has been much larger than the suprWy for years. All the girls who come over from tireat Britain are carefully Investigated under the supervision super-vision of the government women's bureau. bu-reau. One of the western provinces recently re-cently reported thst e per cent of the girls whuee espenses were paid In advance ad-vance mt their obligations on time. Miss t'tirfstsbei I'enkhuret. the famous Flnrlt.h sorts I worker, who has been traveling through western Canada gathering gath-ering Information on opportunities for women immigrants, ssld recently: "The economic situation In both the old country coun-try snd Csnada will be benefited greatly by the extensive Immigration of British women to this land. This Is the one great |