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Show HOUSEHOLD GOODS Placed In our warehouse for storag. receive car. the will aatl.fr th. most exacting. We operate tb. only warahotts. In this city that refuses to haa-dla haa-dla foodstuffs which attract rodents. ro-dents. A visit to our warehouse win convince you why your good should be stored with us. It coats bo mora. REDMAN FIREPROOF STORAGE CO. 1M South Feurth Wset, Wsaeteh 1464. Fee (0 Years th. Learfer. h Storaf. Marin. Packing Shipping inrirnrinnnpnrifififnnnrnnnnf ALmESmiAuToCo 410 WOT 4.- SO WAS MM Are You Sure? It used lo be that Classes were just "glasses." Now they must be accurately fitted. .And, besides accuracy, style must be taken into consideration. consider-ation. By having our experts ex-perts test your eyes you are certain of both accuracy, fit and becoming style. . , 337 South Main SL GET YOUR POTATO BAGS NOW and be prepared at dig-(rjn dig-(rjn time. We have all kinds and sizes, and you can get any quantity from 100 to 100,000. RaaaODAbl Price. Bailey fi Seas Co. Grain, Seeds. Bat, Poultry Supplies. etaa Mere, as Kami mtmmd la om. wnrn.it, rwsn nrta leak Taitw Mmm. TekevhOTM SOS |