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Show : Sfje alt Itabe elesram J Bstasl1ehe 1M)' "est maw fmirr. " phoct WsJatcm ts. , Fakllakeo- kr Tha Mhiu Fs.llelilae Coniaas.. A. L. FISH. flHUrM M i ' MaaaSoO. AR taUM eorroepoiwlono. aheeld ke ayaareaeed la Tne M (.'Las. T.l.eram. Sail La. CHI, Ulae. t Tee T.lr.m is a niinbiT of th. AMKM f Ts twttttX Praas le wlaanlr oalltl.4 to tke see fee rpbli'-iio mt ell Snrsetekee eredlt.d to II ee net otherwise enSUea a Ik tale uptf, aad alee tk local saw. ynellaeea karate. t tbrF'Tto-kuaiciiBBitS! V AIt-T AWtt (tINQAT. la Ulao. 14aka, M.vada and Witalaj Z Br rarrlor. se aor woo a. Br aaau la sdvsaeeH-M S3. eta. nU; on. rar. IIS.ee. All otbor atatoa 11 1 see aaaata, 3, SUN OAT ealy Ik Utah, Idaho. Kooada aad Wyomlaa Bf . Retail (la adoaaeo) Om year. 4S.es. All otkor atstee. .a. ADVaWTlSIMO BBANCH OFNCU "1. V.roo CeakJla. la a Tor Cllr eledlees Aeeaee ? loess IS Baat Jeokeoa Boalooard trail 11 lavtay.ue Joiilrd ft. J. BldwoU Coatpaar. rraaolaaa Tl Market at root 1 ' . ' WE ARE PLEDGED i T theee thinga whleh tan I malt acenlo Utah -m meoea foe American touriats. ) Ta tha aid and building ef Industries whloh will svelep Utah payrells. . Ta aid In - evereomlne railroad elieerlmlnatloei -agalnat Utah, aa wall aa tha elimination af all ether -fl . aor n I nations which tend ta ratard tha preoreae ,of tha state. . Ta persistently war It far a reduction In tha ta eurea and ta ravaal thaaa thinga whiah tsnd ta maks -tha rata prohibitive and sonfiaeatory. |