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Show WISCONSIN HEIFER IS CAUSE OF WRECK! OftEKN BAT, Wis.. Sept. 2S C. M. A Ht. P. tainmen today are marveling at the obstinacy of a small heifer which yesterday caused one of the most freakish accidents In mil way mnnala. . The engineer, Ixuis etrson of this i Vlty, on wayfreight No. 93, noticed a heifer on the tracks, hut see In a; that a j 1 collision with the calf wae unavold- ahle, struck It with the full forrt of. the eneine. Through some unexplain- '. ahle phenomena the ensrlne left the! track together with five of the freijrhi1 ' cars, and the fireman. F. W. Bregnttr, ulao of Green Uy. and Knittnecr IVt- i erson were thrown out of the enarinc : a cab, the latter's body belna; hurled I thirty fet. I'eterson and Hrenirar wre i broujtht to a lcat hospital, wher It I waa said their injuries were not se-i se-i ritms. The rest uf the train crew escaped uninjured. The accident hap-! hap-! pened four miles south of DeiVre. |