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Show i f HATS A FACT ; - Provisions were verv cheap In Ireland ISO years ago. The !ullin News -ter. May S. 1 t. states: "We hear from (erry ( Londonderry i thst provisions there are as cheap ss they were ever known, there being twenty pounds of meat for nlnepence. twenty ounces of butter for twopence, eighteen eggs for a penny and potatoes for three pear rer bunhel." It seems slmost I acre.! -hie thst one and a half dosen egfs could ever have sold for t .cents (a Of William Wordsworth 1?:-1US1. one of the scalleri "I-aks Poets" of Knglsnd. tt hss been said: "lie wae eomethlns; of a Qunfcer In poetry, and lived the sober drabs and grays m ... "Oothsm." a colloqnlsl term for the city of New Tork. ftrat atpesred in "ttelmsgundt," by Washington Irving and James K.' Paulding, and Is supposed sup-posed to hint sarcsat'cairy st ths worldly world-ly wisdom of Us lahabltsata |