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Show Alleged Bad-Man Escapes From Jail Cellmate Says. Pair Unlocked Door Officer Shot in Previous. Flight DKLTA, Sept. 22. Cerelio M. Rico escaped yesterday from the Millard county jail at Fillmore and the sheriff 'a office ha no informaton aa to his preneut whereabouts. The only evidence obtained ob-tained by the officers is from the cellmate 'of Rico, Cristobal Mar-ciel, Mar-ciel, 18 years old, who stated that two white men came to the jail about I o'clock yesterday morning, unlocked th. prison door and th. cell and took Rico out. H. also stated thst he was offered an opportunity to escape, but that he declined, and that h. was then locked la his cell and that th. two white men. armed with rifles, and Rico departed. Th. first Information of the escape was received about 10 o'clock yesterday yester-day morning when Jailer William Wade" went to the Jail tofeed th. prisoners. He found th. Jail locked as usual, tout on gaining eoceas to the cells he found only MarcleL who told him. of tha escape of Rico. BELIEVED SAO MAN. Rico Is 21 years of age and Is regarded re-garded locally aa a crepe rate character. charac-ter. He first became tangled In the courts her. May IT, when he was arrested along with Msrctel on a charge of stealing a larg. quantity of goods from th. Pratt Mercantile J company at Hinckley. They were given a preliminary hearing at Delta and were held for trial In the district court at Fillmore, pending their removal re-moval from Delta to the Fillmore Jail on Juno 4, they broke out of the Jail her. and about 11 o'clock at night boarded a train going north. They were ejected from th. train at Lynn-dyl Lynn-dyl and whll. being taken from the railroad yarda by Detectlv. Bert Williamson, Wil-liamson, Rico Is alleged to have shot the officer and made hi. escape. Rice waa captured early next morning by Deputy Sheriff Lorln Taylor after being shot In th. leg. Marc lei was later taken at Jericho. In Juab county, and both lodged In th. county Jail at Fillmore. COMPLAINS TO CONSUL. After being placed In th. Fillmore Jail, Rico complained bitterly of his treatment to the Mexican consular offlc at Bait Lake., stating that hs had been arrested without cause; that h. wa. not at Lynndyl on th. night of June 4, when he' was alleged to hare shot Officer Williamson; that he wa. arrested near Dolt again and thst he waa shot In th. leg by the officer making ths arrest after he had surrendered, and that he was allowed only one meal a day at the Fillmore Jail. The Mexican consul wrote several sev-eral letters to Sheriff F. H. Black, stating the complaints of the prisoner. The sheriff stated that there was no foundation for the allegations and that the prisoner had received good treatment. Sheriff Black has wired th. police In th. surrounding towns and rltlea No poss. was started In search of th. escaped prlsonsr. as th. belief of the officer. Is thst hs waa taken away In an automobile and that an attempt would be made to reach the Mexican border with him. The Jail at Flllmor. 1. a small, old-fashioned old-fashioned structure with a rather strong door and large lock at the entrance. Th. cell In which Rico wa. kept wa. locked with a large antiquated padlock. Th. aheriff say that the parties who aided Rico in effecting the eocap. must bars brooms br-ooms familiar with th. Jail In order t. be .bl. to secure keys with which to unlock and lock the doors to the prison and th. cell without showing any evidence of difficulty. |