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Show R0TARIANS' LUNCH IS HURRIED FOR PARADE J.OOAN. Rapt. J. Though th. weekly luncheon of the Rotary club yeaterday waa eipedl.ed In order to permit the member, to view the bis parade of the Anwrtran Iralon and woman-a .nmllisry. It waa attended hy many sucata from tne dirf.r.nt poata of tha elate. Governor Matxv .poke briefly, aa did al l)l.trl-t Commander Mack. J. C. Keane of the American le.lon llalaon departni.nt at Denver, who .poke of the lelon and the work of hla department. The principal addreaa w.a given by Ur. Kt.nley urtla cf the Klrt Methodl.t church of Halt l..k. who epok. on the eaaenllal quallfl-callona quallfl-callona of an efficient cltlaen. The Ro-tariana' Ro-tariana' appropriated $100 toward rtefray-li rtefray-li the ep.naee of tbe le.lon . coovca-tion. |