Show FIRM MANAGER DIEST DIES T funeral Funeral services for George Ross p. p Randall tindall 53 of ot 2298 Eighth East treet freet manager of ot the he Salt Lake LakeL L Electric co company corn com m- m pan pany will be con conducted ducted by lodge No 85 B. B P. P O. O E. E Wednesday Wednesday Wed Wed- I at 2 p.m. p.m. p.m. p. p m. m at t the Elks 1 c club I u b house 44 East South Temple street Mr Randall RandaU Lt a leading figure in the electrical industry in Salt Lake City was wasa a past president and one of ot the theo o organ organizers r g a n of ot AMr Randall t the Ii e Electrical League of ot Utah was born in Twin Creeks Wyo-i Wyo April Apri 21 1887 a son of ot Brigham Brig Brig- h him ham m Young and Sarah D. D Ross R Randall He was wac educated in the of ot Salt Lake City and at th U of t Utah Shortly after his graduation from the uni university uni- uni setY he was employed by the theA A American i rican Smelting Refining company plant at Murray and later t took k his first job with the Salt LaKe LaYe Electric company of ot which lt h Dater became head Mr r. r Randall died Monday night la lii Salt Lake hospital of ot a heart ailment Ie He is survived ed by a brother William William Wil Wil- liam B. B Randall of Salt Lake City a and dj eight sisters Mrs Ella ElJa M. M c r ss of Burley Idaho and Mrs Lo Louise Lise A. A Thornton Mrs Sarah SarahM M Olsen Mrs Flora D. D Taylor M A. A Gerrard Mrs Afton Alton Mrs Alta Parr and Mrs l Is Isabelle belle Maxwell all aU of ot Salt Lake City Burial will be In Wasatch Lawn M Memorial orIal park |