Show BRIDAL Festivities Miss Bradshaws Bradshaw's Friends To Give Many Fetes For Her Before Marriage Even more parties h have ve been planned for popular Miss Dorothy Dorothy Dorothy Doro Doro- thy E E. Bradshaw before she becomes Mrs Davis Watkins one of which will b be a dinner party Thursday at the Hotel Utah hosts for which will be Mr and Mrs Newt S S. S Jennings Eleventh avenue On Friday evening Mrs Fred L. L Meadows will entertain at ather ather ather her home East First South street and on Saturday afternoon afternoon afternoon after after- noon Miss Janet Stephenson Eleventh East street willbe will willbe willbe be at a luncheon at the Fort Douglas Golf club The betrothed couple will be feted on Sunday at a skiing party to be given at Brighton by Mr and Mrs Hal Rumel Princeton avenue A supper supper supper sup sup sup- per will follow at t the Rumel cabin The to bride-to-be was complimented complimented complimented Monday evening when Mrs Herbert L. L Snyder Ninth avenue and Mrs Louise Gossett First avenue en entertaIned entertained entertained en- en together Jeanne's tearoom HI Highland drive was the scene of the supper Sprays of or golden wheat and varicolored gourds decorated the table where these guests were seated Mrs Newt S. S Jennings Jennings Jennings Jen Jen- Mrs W. W Scott Barnes Mrs Virginia Richardson Mrs W W. Phillip Robbins Mrs Owen B. B Saunders and the |