Show i I I Studio Gets Getsi i Strip Picket et Girl Gi rl HOLLYWOOD INS INS Theres There always something doing in ln Hollywood Holly wood and Tuesday was no exception tion Take the case for instance c l Gerta Rozan blond film dancer who is making a strip tease teas picketing campaign against a studio stu- stu su dio dlo because It cut out too muc much footage of her in a picture I in which she played Closely attended by her press pres agent Miss Rozan appeared Mo Monday Monday Mon Mon- day and while spectators gaped gape and cameramen focused their thel lenses the dancer divested herself herself herself her her- self of one garment her garment her coa coat The press agent then hastily ex explained explained ex- ex to the audience that hi his client would appear daily in front fron of the studio for one hour r removing re re- moving a garment each day until the part she wants is put back ii In Inthe inthe the picture The cameraman yawned an and went home some spectators hun hung around hopefully until the allotted allotted allotted allot allot- ted hour was up but they didn't didn say whether they would con come around Tuesday |