Show Cougar Fres Freshman man Hoop Meet Opens Special to The Telegram PROVO Nov 26 First 26 First round games of the annual Brigham Young university freshman basketball basketball basketball basket basket- ball tourney were staged here Monday Monday Monday Mon Mon- day night with the Idaho Spuds managed by Ken Jensen and the Little Giants und under r the leadership of Murr remaining in the title race The other two games in the first round will be played Tuesday evening in the mens men's gym gym- Led by Thurman Thorpe sharp- sharp shooting forward who tallied nine ninepoints ninepoints ninepoints points the Spuds had little trouble in winning from the Miners 35 Managed by a and with three brothers playing it was family family family fam fam- ily night for the Little Giants who also had little trouble in their first game downing the Reds 28 Jim Fuller hurdler from Casper Wyo was high point man sinking 11 points |