Show TIPSY DRIVER DRIVEL GETS 3 30 0 DAYS An admitted drunken driver Tuesday was committed to city jail to serve a day 30 term He is Glen Keat 22 22 of East South Temple street who was given the option of paying a fine or serving the jail term by Police Court Judge Wilford Moyle Burton Charges of ignoring a astop astop astop stop sign and falli failing g to possess a drivers driver's license were dismissed Keat was arrested Monday at Eighth East and Fourth South streets after his automobile was involved in a two-car two collision Thomas F. F Hinkle 21 of East Third South street was fined 1250 when he admitted speeding Blaine J. J Wixon 24 of 2927 Highland drive and Alfred Glende 20 of 1605 Mayfair circle admitted similar similar similar sim sim- ilar charges and were fined fine each Bonds of 10 each were forfeited by L L. 22 of Ogden and Jack Jacl Poulsen 23 of ol Laird I avenue who did not appear for plea on speeding charges |