Show Blood Groups Val Valued ed Anew In Nazi Order By RICHARD By-RICHARD RICHARD WALDO an and GABRIEL 4 GABRIEL NEW YORK YORK Race Race consciousness conscious conscious- ness blood chemistry and heredity are being lifted to new highs In Inthe inthe the nazi army anny according to reports by r recent cent arrivals from Europe The experiments made so far are understood to have been highly successful and the plan now is to apply the same blueprint to industrial industrial industrial indus indus- trial help and the population in general so far as possible The story runs that men for one battalion are being pi picked ked from one blood category This scientists say has several advantages If transfusions become necessary all allmen allmen allmen men In the outfit can be used without tedious tests Secondly r results have shown that people within one blood category are more congenial in a group work better fight better and with less friction than is usual in a large b body dy of men thrown together by chance assignment A famous doctor doctor doctor doc doc- tor has characterized some of the findings as amazing The same system is to be applied gradually in various industries and workers' workers settlements What marriage will produce in the blood of the children children children chil chil- dren is now being studied and some some physicians lean toward the theory that the chances for di divorce divorce divorce di di- I vorce vorce are lessened if if- boys marrying marrying marrying marry marry- ing girls are of the same blood category The reich is understood to have stored large banks of blood in strategic places Its It's no longer the old-fashioned old stuff but a colorless colorless colorless color color- less extract from which all corpuscles corpuscles cor cor- have been eliminated Less Lessin in bulk than ordinary blood the fluid has the same values and keeps almost indefinitely I |