Show CHURCHILL REJECTS ALL PLANS PlAN FOR ARMISTICE OVER CHRIS CHRISTMA W LONDON Nov 26 UP UP Prime Minister Winston Churchill Tuesday Tues Tues- Tues 1 day emphatically rejected all suggestions suggestions sug sug- sug-I sug for a Christmas armistice Churchill told the house of commons commons commons com com- mons that Any proposal for a Christmas armistice will be rejected by the government His statement was made when he was asked if he would ap approach approach approach ap- ap the Vatican or some other neutral source and attempt to ar arrange arrange arrange ar- ar range cessation of hostilities over Christmas Churchill said that he woul not approach any neutral in a effort to obtain such an armistic and that if U such a proposal wa made by a neutral it would b rejected j i The question was raised In com con commons commons mons by Thomas E E. Naylor labor laboi ite member i i |